RGD Reference Report - Molecular cloning and characterization of Amida, a novel protein which interacts with a neuron-specific immediate early gene product arc, contains novel nuclear localization signals, and causes cell death in cultured cells. - Rat Genome Database

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Molecular cloning and characterization of Amida, a novel protein which interacts with a neuron-specific immediate early gene product arc, contains novel nuclear localization signals, and causes cell death in cultured cells.

Authors: Irie, Y  Yamagata, K  Gan, Y  Miyamoto, K  Do, E  Kuo, CH  Taira, E  Miki, N 
Citation: Irie Y, etal., J Biol Chem 2000 Jan 28;275(4):2647-53.
RGD ID: 634398
Pubmed: PMID:10644725   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Amida was isolated by the yeast two-hybrid system as a novel protein which associated with Arc, a non-transcriptional immediate early gene specific to the brain. Amida was confirmed to be associated with Arc in vitro and in vivo. Amida shows no homology to known proteins. Amida is ubiquitously expressed, although it is abundant in the brain. A transfection study revealed that Amida was localized in the nucleus and after 72 h the transfected cells underwent apoptosis. Furthermore, we found two nuclear localization signals and a domain needed for interacting with Arc was encompassed by two nuclear localization signals. Co-transfection experiment with Amida and Arc suggested that Amida transported Arc into the nucleus and negatively regulated Amida-induced cell death. These results indicate that Arc together with Amida may modulate cell death in the brain.

Gene Ontology Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Biological Process
TermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
positive regulation of apoptotic process  IDA 634398 RGD 

Molecular Function
TermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
protein binding enablesIPIUniProtKB:Q9JMG6634398PMID:10644725UniProt 
protein binding enablesIPIUniProtKB:Q62881634398PMID:10644725UniProt 
protein binding  IPIArc (Rattus norvegicus)634398 RGD 
protein-containing complex binding  IDA 634398heterodimerizationRGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Nol3  (nucleolar protein 3)
Tfpt  (TCF3 fusion partner)

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