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RGD ID: 8894547
Species: Chinchilla lanigera
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Dguok
Name: deoxyguanosine kinase
Acc ID: DOID:0080121
Term: mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome 3
Definition: A mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome that is characterized by onset in infancy of progressive liver failure and neurologic abnormalities, hypoglycemia, and increased lactate in body fluids, and has_material_basis_in autosomal recessive inheritance of homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the deoxyguanosine kinase gene on chromosome 2p13. (DO)
Definition Source(s): "DO" "DO", "DO" "DO", "DO" "DO", "DO" "DO"
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Dguok ISODGUOK (Homo sapiens)7240710OMIM  
Dguok ISODGUOK (Homo sapiens)8554872ClinVarClinVar Annotator: match by term: Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome 3 (hepatocerebral type) | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Mitochondrial DNA-depletion syndrome 3, hepatocerebralPMID:11687800 PMID:11983456 PMID:12205643 PMID:12210798 PMID:14568816 PMID:14623087 PMID:15639197 PMID:15887277 PMID:16263314 PMID:16908739 PMID:17073823 PMID:17452231 PMID:17576681 PMID:18205204 PMID:19103789 PMID:19265691 PMID:22622127 PMID:23043144 PMID:24321534 PMID:24642831 PMID:25131622 PMID:25741868 PMID:26874653 PMID:27324545 PMID:28492532 PMID:28493820 PMID:28902392 PMID:29137425 PMID:29228108 PMID:30283818 PMID:30366773 PMID:30393377 PMID:30589726 PMID:30956829 PMID:31664448 PMID:32482602 PMID:33486010 PMID:9175742 PMID:9536098
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