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RGD ID: 2322042
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Cd209al1
Name: CD209a molecule like 1
Acc ID: GO:0030246
Term: carbohydrate binding
Definition: Binding to a carbohydrate, which includes monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides as well as substances derived from monosaccharides by reduction of the carbonyl group (alditols), by oxidation of one or more hydroxy groups to afford the corresponding aldehydes, ketones, or carboxylic acids, or by replacement of one or more hydroxy group(s) by a hydrogen atom. Cyclitols are generally not regarded as carbohydrates.
Definition Source(s): GOC:mah
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Cd209al1enablesIBAFB:FBgn0016675 or FB:FBgn0040102 or FB:FBgn0053532 or FB:FBgn0053533 or MGI:1859834 or MGI:1861231 or MGI:1916392 or MGI:1916415 or MGI:1917442 or MGI:1923113 or MGI:2157942 or MGI:2157945 or MGI:2157947 or MGI:2157948 or MGI:2180021 or MGI:2385729 or PANTHER:PTN002736275 or UniProtKB:Q6EIG7 or UniProtKB:Q6UXB4 or UniProtKB:Q6ZS10 or UniProtKB:Q8WXI8 or UniProtKB:Q9UJ71 or UniProtKB:Q9UMR71600115GO_CentralGO_REF:0000033

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