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Ontology Browser

positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity (GO:0002717)
Annotations: Rat: (41) Mouse: (43) Human: (40) Chinchilla: (24) Bonobo: (36) Dog: (33) Squirrel: (25) Pig: (33) Naked Mole-rat: (20) Green Monkey: (37)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
activation of innate immune response +   
natural killer cell cytokine production +   
natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity +   
natural killer cell mediated immune response to tumor cell +   
negative regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity +   
positive regulation of age-related resistance 
positive regulation of antifungal innate immune response  
positive regulation of B cell mediated immunity +   
positive regulation of complement activation, alternative pathway  
positive regulation of complement activation, lectin pathway 
positive regulation of innate immunity memory response 
positive regulation of melanization defense response 
positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity +   
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of natural killer cell mediated immunity.
positive regulation of pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway +   
positive regulation of plant-type hypersensitive response 
positive regulation of respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response  
positive regulation of response to type II interferon +   
positive regulation of T cell mediated immunity +   
positive regulation of type I interferon-mediated signaling pathway  
regulation of natural killer cell cytokine production +   
regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity +   
regulation of natural killer cell mediated immune response to tumor cell +   
regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity +   

Exact Synonyms: positive regulation of NK cell mediated immunity ;   up regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity ;   upregulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity
Narrow Synonyms: activation of natural killer cell mediated immunity ;   stimulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity
Related Synonyms: positive regulation of NK cell activity ;   positive regulation of natural killer cell activity
Alternate IDs: GO:0045846
Definition Sources: GOC:add

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