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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adrenal gland development +   
animal organ formation +   
bone morphogenesis +   
brain morphogenesis +   
bronchus morphogenesis +   
cartilage morphogenesis +   
cement gland development 
chaeta morphogenesis +  
cloacal gland development 
embryonic organ morphogenesis +   
establishment of animal organ orientation  
exocrine pancreas development  
genitalia morphogenesis +   
gland morphogenesis +   
The process in which the anatomical structures of a gland are generated and organized.
gonad morphogenesis +   
Harderian gland development  
hatching gland development 
heart morphogenesis +   
imaginal disc morphogenesis +  
kidney morphogenesis +   
lacrimal gland development  
larynx morphogenesis  
liver development +   
lung morphogenesis +   
lymph gland development +  
mammary gland development +   
mesenchyme morphogenesis +   
muscle organ morphogenesis +   
negative regulation of animal organ morphogenesis +   
nematode pharynx morphogenesis +  
neurohypophysis development +   
odontogenesis +   
oviduct morphogenesis 
pancreas morphogenesis +   
parathyroid gland development +   
pineal gland development 
pituitary gland development +   
positive regulation of animal organ morphogenesis +   
proboscis morphogenesis +  
prostate gland development +   
regulation of animal organ morphogenesis +   
ring gland development 
salivary gland development +   
sebaceous gland development +   
seminal vesicle development +   
sensory organ morphogenesis +   
skeletal system morphogenesis +   
skin morphogenesis  
specification of animal organ axis polarity 
specification of animal organ position  
spermathecum morphogenesis 
sweat gland development +   
swim bladder morphogenesis +  
thymus development +   
thyroid gland development +   
trabecula formation +   
trachea gland development  
trachea morphogenesis +   
ureter morphogenesis +   
uterine gland development  
uterus morphogenesis  

Definition Sources: GOC:isa_complete

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