LOC131379789 (STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_31805) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: LOC131379789 (STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_31805) Mus musculus
Symbol: LOC131379789
Name: STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_31805
RGD ID: 401705830
Description: This genomic region represents an enhancer that was validated by the STARR-seq (self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing) reporter assay in metastable (SL) mouse embryonic stem cells, where it was defined as a C2 class enhancer that does not overlap an active chromatin signature. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2023]
Type: biological-region
RefSeq Status: REVIEWED
Latest Assembly: GRCm39 - Mouse Genome Assembly GRCm39
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm391227,701,340 - 27,702,966 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

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Variants in LOC131379789
70 total Variants

QTLs in Region (GRCm39)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
4141296Femwf9_mfemur work to failure 9 (mouse)Not determined127920733Mouse
4141436Chldq7_mcholesterol and HDL QTL 7 (mouse)Not determined12127920733Mouse
12910983Pifs1_mpeptide-induced fatal syndrome 1 (mouse)12130433078Mouse
1301925Ath6_matherosclerosis 6 (mouse)Not determined12132758756Mouse
1301207Circp1_mcircadian photosensitivity 1 (mouse)Not determined12133430339Mouse
4141660Nbwa1_mNZB and NZW autoimmunity 1 (mouse)Not determined1234013434340302Mouse
26884410Bzwq15_mbi-zygomatic width QTL 15, 16 week (mouse)12365000029749999Mouse
4142234Tmc1m3_mTmc1 modifier 3 (mouse)Not determined12541844077031203Mouse
1301163Eae16_msusceptibility to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis 16 (mouse)Not determined12772315841723301Mouse
13208568Bmiq11_mbody mass index QTL 11 (mouse)12805000040049999Mouse
1301037Cd4ts5_mCD4 T cell subset 5 (mouse)Not determined12835244442352581Mouse
1301723Fcsa7_mfemoral cross-sectional area 7 (mouse)Not determined12949100443491112Mouse
27226753Femd7_mfemur midshaft diameter 7, 10 week (mouse)12955000084146774Mouse
14746972Manh72_mmandible shape 72 (mouse)121061528144615281Mouse
10401249Bglu15_mblood glucose level 15 (mouse)Not determined121062064244620809Mouse
13524843Ppiq8_mprepulse inhibition QTL 8 (mouse)121104319450945796Mouse
13207568Tcq14_mtotal cholesterol QTL 14 (mouse)121166000197176774Mouse
4141516slwr_mslowlearner (mouse)Not determined1239247546392614Mouse
13524839Ppiq10_mprepulse inhibition QTL 10 (mouse)121304319554945798Mouse
10043977Obq34_mobesity QTL 34 (mouse)Not determined121514733149147331Mouse
1558978Cplaq10_mcircadian period of locomotor activity 10 (mouse)Not determined121534102679040364Mouse
26884413Bzwq9_mbi-zygomatic width QTL 9, 10 week (mouse)121615000147746783Mouse
1301574Lmblgq5_mlimb length QTL 5 (mouse)Not determined121759644780956883Mouse
15039339Nmrs29_mNAFLD-associated magnetic resonance shift 29 (mouse)121782585251825852Mouse
10043848Hdlq90_mHDL QTL 90 (mouse)Not determined121783993951840081Mouse
1300870Ath18_matherosclerosis 18 (mouse)Not determined121825996652260067Mouse
12904956Edlmmq10_mextensor digitorum longus muscle mass QTL 10 (mouse)121973983353739833Mouse
1302172Skts5_mskin tumor susceptibility 5 (mouse)Not determined122214886656149016Mouse



Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
PhenoGen LOC131379789 PhenoGen