ECI1-AS1 (ECI1 antisense RNA 1) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: ECI1-AS1 (ECI1 antisense RNA 1) Homo sapiens
Symbol: ECI1-AS1 (Ensembl: AC009065.8)
Name: ECI1 antisense RNA 1 (Ensembl:novel transcript, antisense to DCI)
RGD ID: 16563384
Type: lncrna
Previously known as: AC009065.8; AC009065.9; novel transcript, antisense to DCI
Latest Assembly: GRCh38.p14 Ensembl - Human Genome Assembly GRCh38 Ensembl
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCh38.p14 Ensembl162,240,487 - 2,241,818 (+)EnsemblGRCh38hg38GRCh38
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)



miRNA Target Status

Predicted Target Of
Summary Value
Count of predictions:199
Count of miRNA genes:195
Interacting mature miRNAs:197
Prediction methods:Miranda, Rnahybrid
Result types:miRGate_prediction

The detailed report is available here: Full Report CSV TAB Printer

miRNA Target Status data imported from miRGate (
For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 or access the full paper here.


RNA-SEQ Expression
High: > 1000 TPM value   Medium: Between 11 and 1000 TPM
Low: Between 0.5 and 10 TPM   Below Cutoff: < 0.5 TPM

alimentary part of gastrointestinal system circulatory system endocrine system exocrine system hemolymphoid system hepatobiliary system integumental system musculoskeletal system nervous system renal system reproductive system respiratory system sensory system adipose tissue appendage entire extraembryonic component
Medium 12 7 290 5 85 5 481 3 296 27 68 313 244
Low 2414 2766 1409 595 1667 437 3860 2154 3321 381 1368 1272 170 1202 2536 3
Below cutoff 6 200 20 19 179 19 14 36 89 10 12 22 2 8 1


Nucleotide Sequences

RefSeq Acc Id: ENST00000565709
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh38.p14 Ensembl162,240,487 - 2,241,818 (+)Ensembl

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
Ensembl Genes ENSG00000261663 Ensembl
GTEx ENSG00000261663 GTEx
Human Proteome Map ECI1-AS1 Human Proteome Map

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2021-12-27 ECI1-AS1  ECI1 antisense RNA 1  AC009065.8  novel transcript, antisense to DCI  Symbol and/or name change 19259463 PROVISIONAL
2020-08-20 AC009065.8  novel transcript, antisense to DCI  AC009065.9  novel transcript, antisense to DCI  Symbol and/or name change 19259462 PROVISIONAL
2020-02-07 AC009065.9  novel transcript, antisense to DCI  AC009065.8  novel transcript, antisense to DCI  Symbol and/or name change 19259462 PROVISIONAL