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RGD ID: 2346
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Chrna4
Name: cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 4 subunit
Acc ID: CHEBI:15355
Term: acetylcholine
Definition: Actylcholine is an ester of acetic acid and choline, which acts as a neurotransmitter.
Chemical ID: MESH:D000109
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Chrna4multiple interactionsEXP 2303194RGDacetylcholine affects binding to Chrna4 protein; acetylcholine competes with [Epibatidine binds to Chrna4 protein] 
Chrna4affects bindingEXP 6480464CTDAcetylcholine analog binds to [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; Acetylcholine binds to [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]PMID:19252481
Chrna4multiple interactionsEXP 6480464CTD[CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein mutant form] inhibits the reaction [Calcium results in increased susceptibility to Acetylcholine]; [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein] affects the reaction [Barium results in increased susceptibility to Acetylcholine]; [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein] affects the reaction [Calcium results in increased susceptibility to Acetylcholine]; [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein] affects the susceptibility to Acetylcholine; [CHRNA4 protein mutant form co-treated with CHRNB2 protein] inhibits the reaction [Barium results in increased susceptibility to Acetylcholine]; [CHRNA4 protein mutant form co-treated with CHRNB2 protein] inhibits the reaction [Calcium results in increased susceptibility to Acetylcholine]; [Ethinyl Estradiol co-treated with Acetylcholine] results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; [Mercuric Chloride co-treated with Acetylcholine] affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; [Mercuric Chloride co-treated with Acetylcholine] affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB4 protein]; [pozanicline binds to and results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]] which results in increased secretion of Acetylcholine; Acetylcholine binds to and results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; Dihydro-beta-Erythroidine inhibits the reaction [[pozanicline binds to and results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]] which results in increased secretion of Acetylcholine]; Excitatory Amino Acid Antagonists inhibits the reaction [[pozanicline binds to and results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]] which results in increased secretion of Acetylcholine]; FG 9041 inhibits the reaction [[pozanicline binds to and results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]] which results in increased secretion of Acetylcholine]; Mecamylamine inhibits the reaction [[pozanicline binds to and results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]] which results in increased secretion of Acetylcholine]; Tetrachloroethylene inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Toluene inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Urethane promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine binds to and results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]PMID:11517245 PMID:11812690 PMID:12130716 PMID:12754307 PMID:15885267 PMID:18385335
Chrna4increases response to substanceISOChrna4 (Mus musculus)6480464CTDCHRNA4 protein mutant form results in increased susceptibility to AcetylcholinePMID:16339034
Chrna4multiple interactionsISOCHRNA4 (Homo sapiens)6480464CTD1-Butanol affects the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; 2,4,2',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; 3,5-dibromo-2-(2,4-dibromophenoxy)phenol inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; 4-nonylphenol inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; 4-octylphenol inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; [3,5-dibromo-2-(2,4-dibromophenoxy)phenol co-treated with 2,4,2',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl] inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; [Estradiol co-treated with Acetylcholine] results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; [Ethinyl Estradiol co-treated with Acetylcholine] results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; [Progesterone co-treated with Acetylcholine] results in decreased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; Acetylcholine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine binds to [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]; Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]; Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNB4 protein binds to CHRNA4 protein]; Aluminum Hydroxide inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; antimony trioxide inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; Atracurium inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Atropine promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Bentonite inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; bisphenol A inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; cisatracurium inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; clothianidin promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; decabromobiphenyl ether inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; desformylflustrabromine promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Dichlorvos inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Diethylstilbestrol inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Ethinyl Estradiol promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Fire Trol 934 inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; Flame Retardants inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Flame Retardants inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; Galantamine inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; imidacloprid inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Magnesium Hydroxide inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; Mivacurium inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; Pancuronium inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Physostigmine promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Rivastigmine inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Rocuronium inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Scopolamine promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Tacrine promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Tamoxifen inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; tetrabromobisphenol A inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; tetrabromobisphenol A inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; Tetrachloroethylene inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Toluene inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; triphenyl phosphate inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein co-treated with CHRNB2 protein]]; Tubocurarine inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Tubocurarine inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]; Tubocurarine inhibits the reaction [Ethinyl Estradiol promotes the reaction [Acetylcholine affects the activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]]; Vecuronium Bromide inhibits the reaction [Acetylcholine results in increased activity of [CHRNA4 protein binds to CHRNB2 protein]]PMID:11517245 PMID:11711029 PMID:12604691 PMID:14645658 PMID:15733544 PMID:15885267 PMID:16931985 PMID:20132834 PMID:20861069 PMID:21538459 PMID:21905680 PMID:22547355 PMID:22750351 PMID:34628512 PMID:9454827
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