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RGD ID: 71000
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Myh10
Name: myosin heavy chain 10
Acc ID: GO:0016460
Term: myosin II complex
Definition: A myosin complex containing two class II myosin heavy chains, two myosin essential light chains and two myosin regulatory light chains. Also known as classical myosin or conventional myosin, the myosin II class includes the major muscle myosin of vertebrate and invertebrate muscle, and is characterized by alpha-helical coiled coil tails that self assemble to form a variety of filament structures.
Definition Source(s): Wikipedia:Myosin
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Myh10part_ofISOMYH10 (Homo sapiens)1624291RGD PMID:24072716

Myh10part_ofISOMyh10 (Mus musculus)1624291RGD PMID:21126233

Myh10part_ofIEAUniProtKB:P35580 or ensembl:ENSP000003535901600115EnsemblGO_REF:0000107

Myh10part_ofIBAMGI:102643 or MGI:107717 or MGI:1930780 or PANTHER:PTN005210253 or PomBase:SPCC645.05c or Myh6 (Rattus norvegicus) or Myh7 (Rattus norvegicus) or SGD:S000001065 or UniProtKB:P10587 or UniProtKB:P12882 or UniProtKB:P35579 or UniProtKB:P35580 or UniProtKB:Q7Z406 or WB:WBGene00006789 or dictyBase:DDB_G02863551600115GO_CentralGO_REF:0000033

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