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Ontology Browser

adrenergic beta receptor antagonist drug pathway (PW:0001735)
Annotations: Rat: (60) Mouse: (61) Human: (61) Chinchilla: (58) Bonobo: (61) Dog: (60) Squirrel: (59) Pig: (60) Naked Mole-rat: (58) Green Monkey: (60)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adrenergic beta receptor agonist drug pathway +   
adrenergic beta receptor antagonist drug pathway +   
The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics pathway of adrenergic beta receptors blockers. Adrenergic beta receptors, in response to epinephrine or norepinephrine couple to the Gs alpha subunit of heterotrimeric G protein to elicit several responses. Beta receptor antagonists are used to inhibit these responses and they are either selective or non-selective. Genetic variations can result in changes in drug availability and can cause differences in the response of the organism to the drug.
adrenergic beta receptor drug pathway - beta-agonist and beta-blocker +    
antiarrhythmic drug pathway +   
calcium channel blocker drug pathway +   
diuretic drug pathway +   
dobutamine drug pathway +   
ezetimibe drug pathway +  
ibuprofen drug pathway +   
lomitapide drug pathway +  
renin-angiotensin system drug pathway +    
statin drug pathway +     
triamterene drug pathway +   

Definition Sources: "wikipedia" "wikipedia"

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