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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal aorta wall morphology +   
abnormal aortic mass  
abnormal aortic weight +   
abnormal descending aorta morphology +   
abnormal thoracic aorta morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the part of the aorta that extends from the origin at the heart to the diaphragm, and from which arises numerous branches that supply oxygenated blood to the chest cage and the organs within the chest
aorta coarctation +   
aorta hypoplasia +   
aorta pulmonary collateral arteries +   
aorta stenosis +   
aortic cartilaginous metaplasia 
aortic dissection  
aortic hypertrophy  
aortopulmonary window  
calcified aorta +   
dilated aorta +   
increased aorta tortuosity 
interrupted aorta +   

Xrefs: MA:0002569
Definition Sources:

paths to the root