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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
small levator veli palatini muscle  
reduced size of the paired cylindrical muscle that forms a V-shaped sling behind and above the soft palate; it originates from the apex of the inferior surface of the petrous temporal bone and the medial rim of the auditory tube, and inserts into the palatine aponeurosis between the two heads of palatopharyngeus; it elevates and laterally deviates the soft palate; it also aids the tensor veli palatini in opening the auditory tube on swallowing
 to allow equalization of pressure between the middle ear and pharynx

Exact Synonyms: small levator muscle of the soft palate ;   small levator muscle of the velum palatinum ;   small levator veli ;   small levator veli palatini
Related Synonyms: small levator palati ;   small musculus levator veli palatini
Definition Sources:,

paths to the root