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Ontology Browser

epicardium-derived cardiac fibroblast cell development (GO:0060939)
Annotations: Rat: (4) Mouse: (4) Human: (4) Chinchilla: (3) Bonobo: (3) Dog: (4) Squirrel: (3) Pig: (4) Naked Mole-rat: (3) Green Monkey: (3)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
epicardium-derived cardiac fibroblast cell development +   
The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an epicardial-derived cardiac fibroblast over time, from its formation to the mature state. A epicardial-derived cardiac fibroblast is a connective tissue cell of the heart that arises from the epicardium and secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules.
epicardium-derived cardiac fibroblast cell fate commitment 
neural crest-derived cardiac fibroblast cell development 

Definition Sources: GOC:mtg_heart

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