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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
lysosomal membrane +     
phagolysosome +     
autolysosome membrane  
azurophil granule membrane  
chaperone-mediated autophagy translocation complex  
clathrin-coated phagocytic vesicle membrane 
cytolytic granule membrane  
cytoplasmic side of lysosomal membrane  
early phagosome membrane  
endolysosome membrane  
food vacuole 
lumenal side of lysosomal membrane  
lysosomal HOPS complex  
lysosomal proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex +   
phagolysosome membrane  
The lipid bilayer surrounding a phagolysosome.
phagolysosome vesicle lumen 
phagolysosome vesicle membrane 

Definition Sources: GOC:dph, PMID:22073313

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