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Ontology Browser

TRIF-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway (GO:0035666)
Annotations: Rat: (7) Mouse: (7) Human: (13) Chinchilla: (6) Bonobo: (8) Dog: (8) Squirrel: (7) Pig: (8) Naked Mole-rat: (8) Green Monkey: (8)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
negative regulation of MyD88-independent toll-like receptor signaling pathway  
positive regulation of MyD88-independent toll-like receptor signaling pathway 
regulation of MyD88-independent toll-like receptor signaling pathway +   
TRAM-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway +   
TRIF-dependent toll-like receptor signaling pathway +   
The series of molecular signals initiated by a ligand binding to a toll-like receptor where the TRIF adaptor mediates transduction of the signal. Toll-like receptors directly bind pattern motifs from a variety of microbial sources to initiate an innate immune response.

Exact Synonyms: TRIF-dependent TLR signaling pathway ;   TRIF-dependent toll-like receptor signalling pathway ;   Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain-containing adaptor-dependent TLR signaling pathway
Definition Sources: GOC:BHF, PMID:12855817

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