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Ontology Browser

protein import into peroxisome matrix, receptor recycling (GO:0016562)
Annotations: Rat: (7) Mouse: (7) Human: (7) Chinchilla: (7) Bonobo: (7) Dog: (7) Squirrel: (7) Pig: (7) Naked Mole-rat: (7) Green Monkey: (7)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
insulin receptor recycling  
negative regulation of receptor recycling  
positive regulation of receptor recycling  
protein import into peroxisome matrix, docking  
protein import into peroxisome matrix, receptor recycling  
The process in which peroxisome targeting sequence receptors dissociates from cargo proteins and are returned to the cytosol.
protein import into peroxisome matrix, substrate release  
protein import into peroxisome matrix, translocation  
regulation of receptor recycling +   
substrate-bound cell migration, adhesion receptor recycling 
Wnt receptor recycling 

Exact Synonyms: peroxisome matrix protein import, receptor recycling ;   protein transport into peroxisome matrix, receptor recycling ;   receptor recycling during peroxisome matrix protein import ;   receptor recycling during protein import into peroxisome matrix ;   receptor recycling during protein transport into peroxisome matrix
Related Synonyms: PTS receptor recycling ;   peroxisome receptor recycling
Definition Sources: PMID:11687502

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