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RGD Releases Version 2 of the Multi Ontology Enrichment Tool

The Rat Genome Database (RGD) is pleased to announce the release of the new version (MOET v.2) for the Rat Genome Database Multi-Ontology Enrichment Tool (MOET). The enrichment analysis algorithm has been updated, including the p-value and odds ratio calculations. Click here for the documentation of the new algorithm.

How does MOET work?

  • Select species and ontology of interest, enter a list of gene symbols or a genomic region, and retrieve a list of terms that are over-represented in the annotations for your genes compared to the annotations for all of the genes in your species of interest.
  • For each term in the enriched list, the p-value, Bonferroni correction, odds ratio are calculated.
  • In addition to the Gene Ontology (Molecular Function, Biological Process and Cellular Component), MOET does enrichment for the Disease, Pathway, Mammalian Phenotype (mouse and rat), Human Phenotype (human), and ChEBI (gene-chemical interactions for rat, mouse and human) ontologies.
  • Selections on the results page allow you to change or expand your results to see enrichment for the corresponding orthologs in any or all of the other species available in RGD and for any of the ontologies used for gene annotations at RGD.
  • A button showing the number of genes annotated to each term in the list gives one-click access to that sub-list of genes. The associated “Explore this Gene Set” link plugs that subset of genes back into MOET to show enrichment for that refocused list.
  • Click here for more information!

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    RGD is funded by grant HL64541 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on behalf of the NIH.