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Strain: A35322

Symbol: A35322
Strain: A35322
RGD ID: 70418
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_70418
Ontology ID: RS:0000011
Type: inbred
Available Source: Not Available
Description: Curtiss and Dunning 1942 from a mutation originating in an aunt x nephew cross at F27 of animals of strain A990.
Genetic Markers: a, h
Inbred Generations: F89
Last Known Status: Unknown


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Inbred Strains Festing, MFW, Inbred Strains, The Laboratory Rat, 1979, Baker HK, Lindsey JR, Weisbroth SH, 55-72, Academic Press
2. Rat Strain List M. Festing Rat Strain List
3. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines


Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_characteristics Vaginal prolapse frequent. Short latency to emerge from cage into familiar (2/12) and novel environment (4/12) (Harrington 1971a). High open-field defaecation (3/12 males, 1/12 females, Harrington 1972). High wheel activity (3/12 females, 4/14 males) (Harrington 1971b). 1004
strain_characteristics Vaginal prolapse frequent. Short latency to emerge from cage into familiar (2/12) and novel environment (4/12) (Harrington 1971a). High open-field defaecation (3/12 males, 1/12 females, Harrington 1972). High wheel activity (3/12 females, 4/14 males) (Harrington 1971b). 634612