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Strain: AA

Symbol: AA
Strain: AA
Full Name: Alko, Alcohol
RGD ID: 70410
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_70410
Ontology ID: RS:0000007
Also Known As: Alko-accepting
Type: inbred
Available Source: Not Available
Origination: Research Laboratories of the State Alcohol Monopoly (Alko), Helsinki, Finland
Description: Wistar rats were outbred and selected for breeding animals that differ in their alcohol consumption. Marked difference between the strains and sex was visible by the eighth generation. After puberty the animals were isolated and given 10% alcohol as drink for 10 days, after which they had access to water and alcohol for 4 weeks. The quantity of fluid intake was measured daily. Fluid intake of animals varied greatly in animals consuming the same amount of alcohol per unit body weight, so alcohol intake was used as a phenotypic measure.
Inbred Generations: F72-77
Last Known Status: Unknown

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Mammalian Phenotype

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Clinical Measurement
liver cholesterol level


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Increased brain histamine in an alcohol-preferring rat line and modulation of ethanol consumption by H(3) receptor mechanisms. Lintunen M, etal., FASEB J 2001 Apr;15(6):1074-6.
2. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines
3. Genetic Selection for Voluntary Alcohol consumption in the Albino Rat Science 159, 739-741 (1968)
4. Transcriptome analysis of frontal cortex in alcohol-preferring and nonpreferring rats. Worst TJ, etal., J Neurosci Res 2005 May 15;80(4):529-38.


Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_characteristics Animals consumed the same amount of alcohol when offered a choice between water and alcohol (5-10% by volume). 70283
strain_phys_biochem AA have a two fold higher level of brain histamine as compared to alcohol avoiding ANA rats in both hypothalamus and septum. AA rats have a higher density of histamine-ir-figres. No difference was observed in the expression level of L-histidine decarboxylase (HDC), the enzyme that catalyses histamine synthesis. AA rats have a lower expression of H1 receptor mRNA as compared to ANA rats. 68895
strain_phys_biochem AA have a two fold higher level of brain histamine as compared to alcohol avoiding ANA rats in both hypothalamus and septum. AA rats have a higher density of histamine-ir-figres. No difference was observed in the expression level of L-histidine decarboxylase (HDC), the enzyme that catalyses histamine synthesis. AA rats have a lower expression of H1 receptor mRNA as compared to ANA rats. 70283
strain_phys_biochem mGluR3 mRNA downregulated in frontal cortex compared to Alko-nonaccepting strain and Cacna2d1, Vamp2, Stx1a, Stx1b and Munc-18 mRNA upregulated 1358772

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2020-11-03 AA  Alko, Alcohol  AA  Alko-accepting  Symbol and/or name change 68913 APPROVED