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Strain: UChA

Symbol: UChA
Strain: UChA
RGD ID: 68164
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_68164
Ontology ID: RS:0000951
Type: inbred
Available Source: Not Available
Origination: University of Chile, Casilla, Chile
Description: Wistar rats selected for low voluntary 10% ethanol consumption, with brother x sister mating. Initiated from ALKO Labs, Finland now established in 1947 at University of Chile.
Genetic Markers: c
Coat Color: Albino,
Inbred Generations: F63
Last Known Status: Unknown

Phenotype Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Mammalian Phenotype


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Inbred Strains Festing, MFW, Inbred Strains, The Laboratory Rat, 1979, Baker HK, Lindsey JR, Weisbroth SH, 55-72, Academic Press
2. Rat Strain List M. Festing Rat Strain List
3. Thirty-two years of selection of rats by ethanol preference: UChA and UChB strains. Mardones J and Segovia-Riquelme N, Neurobehav Toxicol Teratol 1983 Mar-Apr;5(2):171-8.
4. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines


Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_characteristics Mean daily voluntary intake of 10% ethanol solution 0.64 ml in males and 0.61 ml in females (cfUChB). Voluntary consumption of 10% ethanol declines over a period of time. UChA and UChB do not differ in length of alcohol narcosis induced by 60 mmol/kg ethanol given intraperitoneally (Mardones and Segovia-Riquelme 1983). Effects of diet and disulfiram have been studied by Quintanilla et al (1993). Strains UCHA and UCHB differ in acetaldehyde metabolism (Tampier etal, 1994). For other studies on UCHA and UCHB see Tampier et al (1995). 1004
strain_characteristics Mean daily voluntary intake of 10% ethanol solution 0.64 ml in males and 0.61 ml in females (cfUChB). Voluntary consumption of 10% ethanol declines over a period of time. UChA and UChB do not differ in length of alcohol narcosis induced by 60 mmol/kg ethanol given intraperitoneally (Mardones and Segovia-Riquelme 1983). Effects of diet and disulfiram have been studied by Quintanilla et al (1993). Strains UCHA and UCHB differ in acetaldehyde metabolism (Tampier etal, 1994). For other studies on UCHA and UCHB see Tampier et al (1995). 634612
strain_characteristics Voluntary daily intake of 10% alcohol per 100 g body weight is less than 2 ml and further decreases the consumption, reaching a plateau at the third week. 625612
strain_phys_biochem Alcohol metabolism is similar to the high alcohol comsumption strain UChB. 625612