Carries gene for retinal dystrophy (rdy), causing cataracts by about 3 months of age. Secondaryeffects include unusual lens reflection and persistant hyaloid artery (Hansen et al 1973) Lowsystolic blood pressure (13/17) (Hansen et al 1973). Low blood pressure (19/23), reaching124_1.7 (SEM) mmHg at 10 weeks of age (Tanase et al 1982). Low 10-week body weight inmales (3/23) (Tanase et al 1982). Good reproductive performance.Rapid acetylator due to polymorphism of N-acetyltransferase (contrast WKY and NSD) (Juberget al, 1991)
Carries gene for retinal dystrophy (rdy), causing cataracts by about 3 months of age. Secondaryeffects include unusual lens reflection and persistant hyaloid artery (Hansen et al 1973) Lowsystolic blood pressure (13/17) (Hansen et al 1973). Low blood pressure (19/23), reaching124_1.7 (SEM) mmHg at 10 weeks of age (Tanase et al 1982). Low 10-week body weight inmales (3/23) (Tanase et al 1982). Good reproductive performance.Rapid acetylator due to polymorphism of N-acetyltransferase (contrast WKY and NSD) (Juberget al, 1991)