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Strain: KIRBY-B

Symbol: KIRBY-B
Strain: KIRBY-B
RGD ID: 68059
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_68059
Ontology ID: RS:0000416
Type: inbred
Available Source: Not Available
Description: From a cross between black hooded and CFY outbred rats with selection for resistance to chronic respiratory disease. Litter size 8-12 (60% male), but only 4-5 weaned. Agile, but tame (Bertok 1980).
Genetic Markers: ?.
Coat Color: Black with white strip on belly and white on feet.
Inbred Generations: F60
Last Known Status: Unknown


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Inbred Strains Festing, MFW, Inbred Strains, The Laboratory Rat, 1979, Baker HK, Lindsey JR, Weisbroth SH, 55-72, Academic Press
2. Rat Strain List M. Festing Rat Strain List
3. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines


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