Strain Report - Rat Genome Database

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Strain: GEPR

Symbol: GEPR
Strain: GEPR
RGD ID: 68042
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_68042
Ontology ID: RS:0000274
Type: inbred
Available Source: Not Available
Description: Jobe, 1971 from outbred Sprague-Dawley stock. Selected for moderate susceptibility to audiogenic stimuli-induced seizures (Reigel et al 1986a).
Genetic Markers: c
Coat Color: Albino.
Last Known Status: Unknown


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Inbred Strains Festing, MFW, Inbred Strains, The Laboratory Rat, 1979, Baker HK, Lindsey JR, Weisbroth SH, 55-72, Academic Press
2. Ontogeny of seizure incidence, latency, and severity in genetically epilepsy prone rats. Hjeresen DL, etal., Dev Psychobiol 1987 May;20(3):355-63.
3. Rat Strain List M. Festing Rat Strain List
4. The genetically epilepsy-prone rat: an overview of seizure-prone characteristics and responsiveness to anticonvulsant drugs. Reigel CE, etal., Life Sci. 1986 Sep 1;39(9):763-74.
5. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines


Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_characteristics Good reproductive performance. In response to a standard sound stimulus animals exhibit a single wild running phase followed by clonic convulsions. They often show postictal rage including vocalization, jumping, biting movements and intermittent catatonia (Reigel et al 1986a). Not susceptible to audogenic seizures at birth (Jobe et al 1980). Susceptibility begins at approx. 15 days of age (Reigel et al 1986b, 1989). May prove a useful model for assessing anti-convulsantdrugs (Reigel et al 1986a, Dailey et al 1989).A different substrain, GEPR-9, is subject to seizures of greater severity. They become sensitive from about 21 days of age post-partum (Hjeresen et al 1987). 1004
strain_characteristics Good reproductive performance. In response to a standard sound stimulus animals exhibit a single wild running phase followed by clonic convulsions. They often show postictal rage including vocalization, jumping, biting movements and intermittent catatonia (Reigel et al 1986a). Not susceptible to audogenic seizures at birth (Jobe et al 1980). Susceptibility begins at approx. 15 days of age (Reigel et al 1986b, 1989). May prove a useful model for assessing anti-convulsantdrugs (Reigel et al 1986a, Dailey et al 1989).A different substrain, GEPR-9, is subject to seizures of greater severity. They become sensitive from about 21 days of age post-partum (Hjeresen et al 1987). 634612