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Strain: ZUC-Leprfa

Symbol: ZUC-Leprfa
Strain: ZUC-Leprfa
RGD ID: 629464
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_629464
Ontology ID: RS:0001096
Alleles: Leprfa
Also Known As: Z-Leprfa;ZUC-Leprfa; ZUC-Leprfa; Z-Leprob; ZUC-Lepr^[fa]
Type: mutant
Available Source: Not Available
Description: This fatty zucker is derived from Lois and Theodore Zucker colonies from which Research colonies were established at many institutions.
Genetic Status: Homozygous
Last Known Status: Unknown
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.25116,389,200 - 116,389,200RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.05120,597,857 - 120,597,857RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERnor6.0
Rnor_5.05124,380,327 - 124,556,585RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERnor5.0
RGSC_v3.45122,320,075 - 122,503,449RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERGSC3.4


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Association of fat cell size and paracrine growth factors in development of hyperplastic obesity. Marques BG, etal., Am J Physiol 1998 Dec;275(6 Pt 2):R1898-908.
2. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines


Allelic Variants
Name Chromosome Start Pos End Pos Reference Nucleotide Variant Nucleotide Variant Type Assembly
Leprfa-var1 chr5 116389200 116389200 A C point_mutation mRatBN7.2
Leprfa-var1 chr5 120597857 120597857 A C point_mutation Rnor_6.0

Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_anatomy During obesity, the adipose tissue expand which triggers the increase in the cell number. The size of a fat cell increases which develops in a depot-dependent manner in both genetic and diet-induced obese rats before an increase in the cell number. 628910
strain_life_disease A good model for hyperplastic obesity. The number of fat cells increases with the advancement in age. 628910
strain_phys_biochem There are locally produced growth factors which are responsible for the differential development of the adipose tissue. Adipose tissue comproses of mature adipocytes, fibroblasts,endothelial cells, preadipocytes at various stages of development. 628910