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Strain: SHR-Tti2em1Ipcv+/+

Symbol: SHR-Tti2em1Ipcv+/+
Strain: SHR-Tti2em1+/+
Substrain: Ipcv
RGD ID: 405849382
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_405849382
Ontology ID: RS:0005334
Also Known As: SHR-Tti2^[em1Ipcv+/+]
Type: mutant
Available Source: Not Available
Origination: Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Description: This is the wild type littermate of the Tti2 knockout rats. The knockout rats were generated by microinjecting fertilized ova of SHR/OlaIpcv rats with the ZFN (Zinc Finger Nuclease) construct from Sigma-Aldrich. The construct was designed to target the first exon using the following sequence of ZFN binding (capital letters) and cutting site (small letters): TCTGACCCGGATCCAAGCaccaagGGTGGGTGGCAGGGC. DNA samples isolated from 452 rats born after microinjection with ZFN construct were amplified using primers flanking the target sequence: ZFN F: 5'-TACACTGTGATTGGCTGGGA-3' and ZFN R: 5'-GGCGCAGTGGAGTGATC-3'. SHR-Tti2+/- with an 8 bp deletion (NM_001013883.1(Tti2):c.243_250delCGAGATCC; on the protein level: NP_001013905.1:p.Glu82Glyfs) has been selected for further analyses. The heterozygous founder was crossed with SHR and F1 rats were intercrossed. SHR-Tti2+/- heterozygotes were selected for breeding and this wild type littermates were used as controls.
Genetic Status: Wild Type
Last Known Status: Unknown


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Systems genetics in the rat HXB/BXH family identifies Tti2 as a pleiotropic quantitative trait gene for adult hippocampal neurogenesis and serum glucose. Senko AN, etal., PLoS Genet. 2022 Apr 4;18(4):e1009638. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009638. eCollection 2022 Apr.


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