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Strain: BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)/Ncc

Symbol: BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)/Ncc
Strain: BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)
Substrain: Ncc
RGD ID: 1549797
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_1549797
Ontology ID: RS:0000435
Also Known As: BUF.ACI-Gcr3; NBRP Rat No: 0097; BUF.ACI-Gcr3/Ncc; BUF.ACI-Gcr3/Ncc; BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)/Ncc; BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)/Ncc
Type: congenic
Available Source: National BioResource Project for the Rat in Japan
Origination: National BioResource Project for the Rat in Japan
Description: This congenic strain in the BUF background that has homozygous ACI chr16 was developed by the speed congenic method.
Coat Color: Albino
Inbred Generations: F8
Last Known Status: Unknown
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.2168,082,906 - 8,083,107RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.0169,055,590 - 9,055,792RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERnor6.0
Rnor_5.01611,019,972 - 11,020,174RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERnor5.0
RGSC_v3.4168,340,080 - 8,340,453RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERGSC3.4


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Strains registered by the National Bio Resource Project for the Rat in Japan Personal Communication with NBRP
2. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines
3. Expression Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis of 13 Genes in the Rat Prostate. Yamashita S, etal., Genetics 2005 Aug 3;.


Position Markers

Flank 1 / 1 (D16Rat31)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.2168,082,906 - 8,083,107 (+)MAPPER
Rnor_6.0169,055,590 - 9,055,792NCBI
Rnor_5.01611,019,972 - 11,020,174UniSTS
RGSC_v3.4168,340,250 - 8,340,452UniSTS
RGSC_v3.4168,340,080 - 8,340,453RGD
RGSC_v3.1168,340,078 - 8,340,451RGD
Celera167,122,161 - 7,122,363UniSTS
RH 3.4 Map1679.1RGD
RH 3.4 Map1679.1UniSTS
RH 2.0 Map1631.4RGD
SHRSP x BN Map163.4RGD

Flank 2 / 1 (D16Arb1)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
Celera1675,288,439 - 75,288,680UniSTS
FHH x ACI Map1645.9899UniSTS
FHH x ACI Map1645.9899RGD
Cytogenetic Map16 RGD

Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_reproduction Good breeding performance 1302502

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2016-04-15 BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)/Ncc    BUF.ACI-(D16Rat31-D16Arb1)/Ncc    Name updated 68913 APPROVED