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Strain: DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi

Symbol: DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi
Strain: DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)
Substrain: Nsi
RGD ID: 1358990
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_1358990
Ontology ID: RS:0000219
Also Known As: Cia5d; DA.F344-(D10Rat37-D10Arb9)/Nsi; DA.F344(Cia5d); DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi
Type: congenic
Available Source: Not Available
Origination: North Shore-Long Island Jewish Research Institute,350 Community Drive - Manhasset, NY 11030
Description: Congenic strain created by backcrossing DA/BklArbNsi and F344/Hsd
Last Known Status: Unknown
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21031,224,026 - 75,632,053RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01031,919,397 - 78,343,192RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERnor6.0
Rnor_5.01031,740,635 - 78,195,122RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41031,931,622 - 79,229,233RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINERGSC3.4

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Rat Strain
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/NsiRatDA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi  IEA 7241799 RGD 

Vertebrate Trait
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/NsiRatjoint integrity trait  EXP 1359065 RGD 


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. The non-major histocompatibility complex quantitative trait locus Cia10 contains a major arthritis gene and regulates disease severity, pannus formation, and joint damage. Brenner M, etal., Arthritis Rheum 2005 Jan;52(1):322-32.
2. The non-MHC quantitative trait locus Cia5 contains three major arthritis genes that differentially regulate disease severity, pannus formation, and joint damage in collagen- and pristane-induced arthritis. Brenner M, etal., J Immunol 2005 Jun 15;174(12):7894-903.
3. Genetic regulation of T regulatory, CD4, and CD8 cell numbers by the arthritis severity loci Cia5a, Cia5d, and the MHC/Cia1 in the rat. Brenner M, etal., Mol Med. 2007 May-Jun;13(5-6):277-87.
4. Cia5d regulates a new fibroblast-like synoviocyte invasion-associated gene expression signature. Laragione T, etal., Arthritis Res Ther. 2008 Aug 15;10(4):R92.
5. The arthritis severity locus Cia5d is a novel genetic regulator of the invasive properties of synovial fibroblasts. Laragione T, etal., Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Aug;58(8):2296-306.
6. The cation channel Trpv2 is a new suppressor of arthritis severity, joint damage, and synovial fibroblast invasion. Laragione T, etal., Clin Immunol. 2015 Apr 11. pii: S1521-6616(15)00131-X. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2015.04.001.
7. The Arthritis Severity Quantitative Trait Loci Cia4 and Cia6 Regulate Neutrophil Migration into Inflammatory Sites and Levels of TNF-{alpha} and Nitric Oxide. Laragione T, etal., J Immunol. 2007 Feb 15;178(4):2344-51.
8. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines


Position Markers

Flank 1 / 1 (D10Mit9)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.21031,224,026 - 31,224,268 (+)MAPPER
Rnor_6.01031,919,397 - 31,919,634NCBI
Rnor_5.01031,740,635 - 31,740,872UniSTS
RGSC_v3.41031,931,622 - 31,931,860RGD
RGSC_v3.41031,931,623 - 31,931,860UniSTS
RGSC_v3.11031,932,672 - 31,932,909RGD
Celera1030,668,756 - 30,668,993UniSTS
RH 3.4 Map10340.71UniSTS
RH 3.4 Map10340.71RGD
RH 2.0 Map10373.7RGD
Cytogenetic Map10 RGD

Flank 2 / 1 (D10Rat24)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.21075,631,887 - 75,632,053 (+)MAPPER
Rnor_6.01078,343,027 - 78,343,192NCBI
Rnor_5.01078,194,957 - 78,195,122UniSTS
RGSC_v3.41079,229,067 - 79,229,233RGD
RGSC_v3.41079,229,068 - 79,229,233UniSTS
RGSC_v3.11079,243,438 - 79,243,603RGD
Celera1074,527,028 - 74,527,193UniSTS
RH 3.4 Map10684.69RGD
RH 3.4 Map10684.69UniSTS
RH 2.0 Map10804.1RGD
SHRSP x BN Map1052.2699RGD
Cytogenetic Map10q26UniSTS
Strain QTL Data
Symbol Name Trait
Pia26 Pristane induced arthritis QTL 26 joint integrity trait   (VT:0010548)    

Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_other Reduced number of FLS invaded through the collagen barrier and produced lower levels of active MMP-2 2302383
strain_other Three clusters of genes were expressed in increased levels in DA and down-regulated in this congenic, 12 out of 36 genes are involved in cancer regulation processes. 2300006
strain_other 17 genes are expressed in increased levels in this strain and down regulated in DA. 2300006
strain_other Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) were isolated from the synovial tissue from the ankles and analysed; 66 genes were differently expressed in DA and this congenic. 2300006
strain_other Trpv2 expression was 1.9 fold higher in fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) which were isolated from the synovial tissue of DA as compared to the ones isolated from these rats 9999444

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2013-09-06 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi    DA.F344-(D10Rat37-D10Arb9)/Nsi    Symbol updated 68687 APPROVED
2013-09-06 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi    DA.F344-(D10Rat37-D10Arb9)/Nsi    Name updated 68913 APPROVED
2013-09-06 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi    DA.F344-(D10Rat37-D10Arb9)/Nsi    Symbol updated 68687 APPROVED
2013-09-06 DA.F344-(D10Mit9-D10Rat24)/Nsi    DA.F344-(D10Rat37-D10Arb9)/Nsi    Name updated 68913 APPROVED