RGD Reference Report - Beta 2-adrenergic function in cultured rat proximal tubule epithelial cells. - Rat Genome Database

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Beta 2-adrenergic function in cultured rat proximal tubule epithelial cells.

Authors: Singh, H  Linas, S 
Citation: Singh H and Linas S, Am J Physiol. 1996 Jul;271(1 Pt 2):F71-7.
RGD ID: 8548528
Pubmed: PMID:8760245   (View Abstract at PubMed)

We conducted studies to determine whether functional beta 2-adrenoceptors are present in cultured rat proximal tubule epithelial cells. To determine whether cultured cells maintain polarity with respect to sodium transport, cells were acid loaded. Acid loading resulted in stimulation of sodium transport. Exposure of acid-loaded cells to alkaline extracellular pH further enhanced sodium transport (22Na flux at pH 7.50 was 68.1 +/- 44% above pH 7.00, P < 0.05). Cultured proximal tubules also exhibited basolateral 86Rb uptake, 65% of which was ouabain sensitive. Thus cultured cells maintain apical Na/H antiport and basolateral Na-K-adenosinetriphosphatase (Na-K-ATPase). Metaproterenol (10(-6) M), a selective beta 2-agonist, stimulated Na-K-ATPase activity by 36 +/- 6% above control (P < 0.05). The stimulatory effect was blocked by ICI-118551, a selective beta 2-antagonist. To determine whether metaproterenol-dependent increases in Na-K-ATPase were dependent on apical sodium entry, apical entry was blocked with dimethylamiloride or maximized with monensin. Both dimethylamiloride and monensin prevented metaproterenol activation of Na-K-ATPase. Metaproterenol-mediated increases in Na-K-ATPase activity were associated with increases in sodium transport (27 +/- 10% above control, P < 0.05), which was prevented by dimethylamiloride. In contrast to isoproterenol, metaproterenol did not stimulate cAMP production. In summary, we have shown that functional beta 2-adrenoceptors are present on cultured rat proximal tubules. beta 2-Adrenoceptor activation results in increases in Na-K-ATPase and Na transport as a consequence of increased apical sodium entry.

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Biological Process

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Adrb2Ratpositive regulation of ATP-dependent activity  IMP  RGD 

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Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Adrb2  (adrenoceptor beta 2)

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