RGD Reference Report - Data registered by Dr. Greaser - Rat Genome Database

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Data registered by Dr. Greaser

Authors: Dr. Marion, GREASER 
Citation: Personal communication between Dr. Greaser and the RGD curators.
RGD ID: 7241564

Personal communication between Dr. Marion Greaser, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1805 Linden Drive West Madison, Wisconsin and the RGD curators.

Objects referenced in this article
Strain (SDxF344)F1-Rbm20m1Mlgw+/+ null Rattus norvegicus
Strain (SDxF344)F1-Rbm20m1Mlgw null Rattus norvegicus
Strain (SDxF344)F1xBN-Rbm20m1Mlgw+/+ null Rattus norvegicus
Strain (SDxF344)F1xBN-Rbm20m1Mlgw null Rattus norvegicus
Gene Rbm20m1Mlgw RNA binding motif protein 20; mutation 1, Marion Greaser Rattus norvegicus

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