RGD Reference Report - Growth inhibitory factor (GIF) can protect from brain damage due to stab wounds in rat brain. - Rat Genome Database

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Growth inhibitory factor (GIF) can protect from brain damage due to stab wounds in rat brain.

Authors: Hozumi, I  Uchida, Y  Watabe, K  Sakamoto, T  Inuzuka, T 
Citation: Hozumi I, etal., Neurosci Lett. 2006 Mar 13;395(3):220-3. Epub 2005 Nov 28.
RGD ID: 6480628
Pubmed: PMID:16314047   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.neulet.2005.10.093   (Journal Full-text)

We examined the effect of growth inhibitory factor (GIF), also called metallothionein-III (MT-III), in brain damage using a stab wound model. The administration of 3 microM purified rat GIF (prGIF) provided significantly improved brain repair compared with controls, whereas the administration of 15 microM prGIF reduced brain repair compared with controls. To maintain the continuous effect of GIF, we generated an adenoviral vector encoding rat GIF and the myc epitope (AxCArGIFM) and administered an appropriate amount (1 x 10(8) pfu) of AxCArGIFM on the basis of the optimal dosage determined in a previous study on avulsion of the facial nerve. The administration of AxCArGIFM provided significantly improved histological and biochemical parameters of brain repair compared with controls administered AxCALacZ (adenovirus encoding bacterial beta-galactosidase gene as a reporter; 1 x 10(8) pfu). These results show that GIF can protect from brain damage in certain appropriate conditions in vivo and in vitro. The optimal dosage is very important for the treatment in vivo, particularly that for GIF. Our findings show the double-edged effects of GIF. MTs including MT-III are promising as therapeutic agents not only for tissue repair following acute brain injury, but also for some neurodegenerative diseases because they have multifunctional potential including anti-oxidation effects and may have some effect on neurogenesis.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
MT3HumanBrain Injuries treatmentISOMt3 (Rattus norvegicus) RGD 
Mt3RatBrain Injuries treatmentIDA  RGD 
Mt3MouseBrain Injuries treatmentISOMt3 (Rattus norvegicus) RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Mt3  (metallothionein 3)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Mt3  (metallothionein 3)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
MT3  (metallothionein 3)

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