RGD Reference Report - NSF ATPase and alpha-/beta-SNAPs disassemble the AMPA receptor-PICK1 complex. - Rat Genome Database

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NSF ATPase and alpha-/beta-SNAPs disassemble the AMPA receptor-PICK1 complex.

Authors: Hanley, JG  Khatri, L  Hanson, PI  Ziff, EB 
Citation: Hanley JG, etal., Neuron 2002 Mar 28;34(1):53-67.
RGD ID: 633462
Pubmed: PMID:11931741   (View Abstract at PubMed)

AMPA receptor (AMPAR) trafficking is crucial for synaptic plasticity that may be important for learning and memory. NSF and PICK1 bind the AMPAR GluR2 subunit and are involved in trafficking of AMPARs. Here, we show that GluR2, PICK1, NSF, and alpha-/beta-SNAPs form a complex in the presence of ATPgammaS. Similar to SNARE complex disassembly, NSF ATPase activity disrupts PICK1-GluR2 interactions in this complex. Alpha- and beta-SNAP have differential effects on this reaction. SNAP overexpression in hippocampal neurons leads to corresponding changes in AMPAR trafficking by acting on GluR2-PICK1 complexes. This demonstrates that the previously reported synaptic stabilization of AMPARs by NSF involves disruption of GluR2-PICK1 interactions. Furthermore, we are reporting a non-SNARE substrate for NSF disassembly activity.

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Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Gria2  (glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 2)
Napa  (NSF attachment protein alpha)
Napb  (NSF attachment protein beta)
Nsf  (N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor, vesicle fusing ATPase)
Pick1  (protein interacting with PRKCA 1)
Snap25  (synaptosome associated protein 25)

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