RGD Reference Report - The heteromeric cyclic nucleotide-gated channel adopts a 3A:1B stoichiometry. - Rat Genome Database

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The heteromeric cyclic nucleotide-gated channel adopts a 3A:1B stoichiometry.

Authors: Zhong, H  Molday, LL  Molday, RS  Yau, KW 
Citation: Zhong H, etal., Nature 2002 Nov 14;420(6912):193-8.
RGD ID: 632402
Pubmed: PMID:12432397   (View Abstract at PubMed)
PMCID: PMC2877395   (View Article at PubMed Central)
DOI: DOI:10.1038/nature01201   (Journal Full-text)

Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels are crucial for visual and olfactory transductions. These channels are tetramers and in their native forms are composed of A and B subunits, with a stoichiometry thought to be 2A:2B (refs 6, 7). Here we report the identification of a leucine-zipper-homology domain named CLZ (for carboxy-terminal leucine zipper). This domain is present in the distal C terminus of CNG channel A subunits but is absent from B subunits, and mediates an inter-subunit interaction. With cross-linking, non-denaturing gel electrophoresis and analytical centrifugation, this CLZ domain was found to mediate a trimeric interaction. In addition, a mutant cone CNG channel A subunit with its CLZ domain replaced by a generic trimeric leucine zipper produced channels that behaved much like the wild type, but less so if replaced by a dimeric or tetrameric leucine zipper. This A-subunit-only, trimeric interaction suggests that heteromeric CNG channels actually adopt a 3A:1B stoichiometry. Biochemical analysis of the purified bovine rod CNG channel confirmed this conclusion. This revised stoichiometry provides a new foundation for understanding the structure and function of the CNG channel family.

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Cellular Component

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Cnga1Ratintracellular cyclic nucleotide activated cation channel complex  IDA  RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Cnga1  (cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit alpha 1)

Objects referenced in this article
Gene Cnga2 cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit alpha 2 Rattus norvegicus
Gene Cnga4 cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit alpha 4 Rattus norvegicus

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