RGD Reference Report - Genetic isolation of iddm 1 on chromosome 4 in the biobreeding (BB) rat. - Rat Genome Database

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Genetic isolation of iddm 1 on chromosome 4 in the biobreeding (BB) rat.

Authors: Bieg, S  Koike, G  Iang J, J  Klaff, L  Pettersson, A  MacMurray, AJ  Jacob, HJ  Lander, ES  Lernmark, A 
Citation: Bieg S, etal., Mamm Genome 1998 Apr;9(4):324-6
RGD ID: 61032
Web Url: http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00335/bibs/9n4p324.html
Pubmed: PMID:9530633   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Iddm 1 in the BioBreeding (BB) rat designates the genomic region on rat Chromosome (Chr) 4 that harbors the gene causing peripheral T cell lymphopenia (Lyp) and diabetes (Jacob et al. 1992). We here report the generation of a novel congenic Lyp/Lyp Dr rat line, in which iddm 1 has been introgressed onto the diabetes-resistant BB/Dr background. This was accomplished by marker-assisted selection (MAS) (Lande and Thompson 1990) in nine cycles of cross-intercross breeding of diabetes-prone Dp with Dr BB rats. As a result, we have generated a congenic line in which diabetes and lymphopenia are controlled solely by iddm 1.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
BBDP/RhwRatT-Lymphocytopenia  IMP  RGD 
BBDP/RhwRattype 1 diabetes mellitus MODEL: spontaneousIAGP  RGD 

Objects Annotated

BBDP/Rhw  (NA)

Objects referenced in this article
Strain BBDR.BBDP-(D4Mit6-D4Mit24)/Rhw null Rattus norvegicus
Strain BBDR/Rhw null Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm2 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 2 Rattus norvegicus

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