RGD Reference Report - Expression of Notch signalling-related genes in normal and differentiating rat dental pulp cells. - Rat Genome Database

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Expression of Notch signalling-related genes in normal and differentiating rat dental pulp cells.

Authors: Sun, H  Kawashima, N  Xu, J  Takahashi, S  Suda, H 
Citation: Sun H, etal., Aust Endod J. 2010 Aug;36(2):54-8.
RGD ID: 5132633
Pubmed: PMID:20666749   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1111/j.1747-4477.2009.00188.x   (Journal Full-text)

Notch signalling is of fundamental importance to various processes during embryonic development and in adults. The possible role of Hey1, an important Notch signalling component, in odontoblast differentiation was evaluated in this study. Primary cultured dental pulp cells, derived from upper incisors of 5-week-old Wistar rats, were placed in alpha-modification of Eagle's minimal essential medium supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), and ascorbic acid (AA) and beta-glycerophosphate (beta-GP), with or without dexamethasone, and cultured on dishes coated with collagen type IA for 7 days. Conventional and real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed to determine the expression of Notch-related genes and dentin sialophosphoprotein as a marker of odontoblast differentiation. Dentin sialophosphoprotein and Hey1 expression was significantly increased and decreased in the presence of AA + beta-GP compared with controls, respectively. These findings suggest that Hey1 may be a negative regulator in odontoblast differentiation.

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Biological Process

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
DsppRatcellular response to dexamethasone stimulus  IEP  RGD 
Hey1Ratcellular response to glucocorticoid stimulus  IEP  RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Dspp  (dentin sialophosphoprotein)
Hey1  (hes-related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 1)

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