RGD Reference Report - Glutamine synthetase from rat liver. Purification, properties, and preparation of specific antisera. - Rat Genome Database

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Glutamine synthetase from rat liver. Purification, properties, and preparation of specific antisera.

Authors: Deuel, TF  Louie, M  Lerner, A 
Citation: Deuel TF, etal., J Biol Chem. 1978 Sep 10;253(17):6111-8.
RGD ID: 2301547
Pubmed: PMID:28323   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Abstract for this paper unavailable

Gene Ontology Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Biological Process

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GlulRatammonia assimilation cycle  IDA  RGD 
GlulRatglutamine biosynthetic process  IDA  RGD 

Cellular Component

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GlulRatprotein-containing complex  IDA  RGD 

Molecular Function

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GlulRatATP binding  IDA  RGD 
GlulRatglutamate binding  IDA  RGD 
GlulRatglutamine synthetase activity  IDA  RGD 
GlulRatidentical protein binding  IPIGlul (Rattus norvegicus)homooligomerization more ...RGD 
GlulRatmagnesium ion binding  IDA presence of a divalent cation is required for catalytic activityRGD 
GlulRatmanganese ion binding  IDA presence of a divalent cation is required for catalytic activityRGD 

Molecular Pathway Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

RGD Manual Annotations

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Glul  (glutamate-ammonia ligase)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Glul  (glutamate-ammonia ligase)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
GLUL  (glutamate-ammonia ligase)

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