RGD Reference Report - TTF-1, a homeodomain-containing transcription factor, participates in the control of body fluid homeostasis by regulating angiotensinogen gene transcription in the rat subfornical organ. - Rat Genome Database

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TTF-1, a homeodomain-containing transcription factor, participates in the control of body fluid homeostasis by regulating angiotensinogen gene transcription in the rat subfornical organ.

Authors: Son, YJ  Hur, MK  Ryu, BJ  Park, SK  Damante, G  D'Elia, AV  Costa, ME  Ojeda, SR  Lee, BJ 
Citation: Son YJ, etal., J Biol Chem. 2003 Jul 18;278(29):27043-52. Epub 2003 May 2.
RGD ID: 1600160
Pubmed: PMID:12730191   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1074/jbc.M303157200   (Journal Full-text)

In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that angiotensins synthesized in the brain contribute to regulating body fluid homeostasis. Although angiotensinogen, the unique angiotensin precursor, is produced in the brain, the factors that regulate its gene expression remain unknown. We recently found that TTF-1, a homeodomain-containing transcription factor essential for the development of the fetal diencephalon, is postnatally expressed in discrete areas of the hypothalamus. We now report that the subfornical organ, an important site of angiotensinogen synthesis, is an extra-hypothalamic site of TTF-1 expression. Double in situ hybridization histochemistry demonstrated the presence of TTF-1 mRNA in angiotensinogen-producing cells of the rat subfornical organ. RNase protection assays showed that TTF-1 and angiotensinogen mRNA levels are simultaneously increased in the subfornical organ by water deprivation. The angiotensinogen promoter contains seven presumptive TTF-1 binding motifs, four of which are recognized by the TTF-1 homeodomain. In the C6 glioma cell line, TTF-1 transactivates the angiotensinogen promoter in a dose-dependent manner. This transactivation is abolished by deletion of the TTF-1 binding motif at -125. Intracranial administration of an antisense TTF-1 oligodeoxynucleotide decreased angiotensinogen mRNA in the subfornical organ and dramatically reduced the animal's water intake while increasing urine excretion. Moreover, plasma arginine vasopressin content was decreased by the same treatment. These results demonstrate a novel role for TTF-1 in the regulation of body fluid homeostasis, exerted via the transactivational control of angiotensinogen synthesis in the subfornical organ.

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Nkx2-1Ratregulation of blood volume by renin-angiotensin  IDA  RGD 

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Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Nkx2-1  (NK2 homeobox 1)

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