RGD Reference Report - miR-210 is a target of hypoxia-inducible factors 1 and 2 in renal cancer, regulates ISCU and correlates with good prognosis. - Rat Genome Database

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miR-210 is a target of hypoxia-inducible factors 1 and 2 in renal cancer, regulates ISCU and correlates with good prognosis.

Authors: McCormick, R I  Blick, C  Ragoussis, J  Schoedel, J  Mole, D R  Young, A C  Selby, P J  Banks, R E  Harris, A L 
Citation: McCormick RI, etal., Br J Cancer. 2013 Mar 19;108(5):1133-42. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.56. Epub 2013 Feb 28.
RGD ID: 155260320
Pubmed: PMID:23449350   (View Abstract at PubMed)
PMCID: PMC3619073   (View Article at PubMed Central)
DOI: DOI:10.1038/bjc.2013.56   (Journal Full-text)

BACKGROUND: Clear cell renal cancer frequently harbours von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene mutations, leading to stabilisation of the hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) and expression of their target genes. We investigated HIF-1 and HIF-2 in the regulation of microRNA-210 (miR-210), and its clinical relevance in renal tumours.
METHODS: RCC4 and 786-O renal cancer cell lines transfected with either an empty vector or functional VHL and incubated in normoxia or hypoxia were examined for miR-210 expression. Hypoxia-inducible factor siRNAs were used to examine their regulation of miR-210. Seventy-one clear cell renal tumours were sequenced for VHL mutations. Expression of miR-210, VHL, CA9, ISCU and Ki-67 were determined by immunohistochemistry and qRT-PCR.
RESULTS: In addition to HIF-1 regulating miR-210 in renal cancer, HIF-2 can regulate this microRNA in the absence of HIF-1. MicroRNA-210 is upregulated in renal cancer compared with normal renal cortex tissue. MicroRNA-210 correlates negatively with its gene target ISCU at the protein and mRNA level. MicroRNA-210 correlated with positive outcome variables and negatively with Ki-67.
CONCLUSION: We provide further evidence of miR-210 activity in vivo, and show that high miR-210 expression is associated with better clinico-pathological prognostic factors.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
ISCUHumanclear cell renal cell carcinoma disease_progressionIEP mRNA and protein:decreased expression:kidney (human)RGD 
IscuRatclear cell renal cell carcinoma disease_progressionISOISCU (Homo sapiens)mRNA and protein:decreased expression:kidney (human)RGD 
IscuMouseclear cell renal cell carcinoma disease_progressionISOISCU (Homo sapiens)mRNA and protein:decreased expression:kidney (human)RGD 
MIR210Humanclear cell renal cell carcinoma  IEP miRNA:increased expression:kidney (human)RGD 
Mir210Mouseclear cell renal cell carcinoma  ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)miRNA:increased expression:kidney (human)RGD 
Mir210Ratclear cell renal cell carcinoma  ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)miRNA:increased expression:kidney (human)RGD 
MIR210Humanpapillary renal cell carcinoma  IEP miRNA:increased expression:kidney (human)RGD 
Mir210Mousepapillary renal cell carcinoma  ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)miRNA:increased expression:kidney (human)RGD 
Mir210Ratpapillary renal cell carcinoma  ISOMIR210 (Homo sapiens)miRNA:increased expression:kidney (human)RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Iscu  (iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme)
Mir210  (microRNA 210)

Genes (Mus musculus)
Iscu  (iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme)
Mir210  (microRNA 210)

Genes (Homo sapiens)
ISCU  (iron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme)
MIR210  (microRNA 210)

Additional Information