RGD Reference Report - Recognition of the tryptophan-based endocytosis signal in the neonatal Fc Receptor by the mu subunit of adaptor protein-2. - Rat Genome Database
Endocytosis of membrane proteins is typically mediated by signals present in their cytoplasmic domains. These signals usually contain an essential tyrosine or pair of leucine residues. Both tyrosine- and dileucine-based endocytosis signals are recognized by the adaptor complex AP-2. The best understood of these interactions occurs between the tyrosine-based motif, YXXPhi, and the mu2 subunit of AP-2. We recently reported a tryptophan-based endocytosis signal, WLSL, contained within the cytoplasmic domain of the neonatal Fc receptor. This signal resembles YXXPhi. We have investigated the mechanism by which the tryptophan-based signal is recognized. Both interaction assays in vitro and endocytosis assays in vivo show that mu2 binds the tryptophan-based signal. Furthermore, the WLSL sequence binds the same site as YXXPhi. Unlike the WXXF motif, contained in stonin 2 and other endocytic proteins, WLSL does not bind the alpha subunit of AP-2. These observations reveal a functional similarity between the tryptophan-based endocytosis signal and the YXXPhi motif, and an unexpected versatility of mu2 function.