RGD Reference Report - Trace amine-associated receptors form structurally and functionally distinct subfamilies of novel G protein-coupled receptors. - Rat Genome Database

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Trace amine-associated receptors form structurally and functionally distinct subfamilies of novel G protein-coupled receptors.

Authors: Lindemann, L  Ebeling, M  Kratochwil, NA  Bunzow, JR  Grandy, DK  Hoener, MC 
Citation: Lindemann L, etal., Genomics 2005 Mar;85(3):372-85.
RGD ID: 1334501
Pubmed: PMID:15718104   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.ygeno.2004.11.010   (Journal Full-text)

Trace amines are endogenous compounds structurally related to classical biogenic amines that have been studied for decades, triggered by their link to psychiatric conditions of high epidemiological and economical relevance. The understanding of their pharmacology on the molecular level was hampered until the recent discovery of trace-amine-specific receptors. We completed the identification of all members of this novel GPCR family in human, chimpanzee, rat, and mouse and observed remarkable interspecies differences, even between human and chimpanzee. The analysis of the chromosomal localizations, phylogenetic relationships, and ligand pocket vectors reveals three distinct receptor subfamilies. As most of these receptors do not respond to trace amines, each subfamily will presumably have a distinct pharmacological profile, which remains to be identified. We propose a uniform nomenclature describing this novel GPCR family in all mammalian species as trace-amine-associated receptors (TAARs), which resolves the ambiguities and contradictions of the previous naming.

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Molecular Function

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Taar4RatG protein-coupled amine receptor activity enablesIDA PMID:15718104MGI 
Taar4Rattrace-amine receptor activity enablesIDA PMID:15718104MGI 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Taar4  (trace amine-associated receptor 4)

Objects referenced in this article
Gene Taar1 trace amine-associated receptor 1 Mus musculus
Gene Taar2 trace amine-associated receptor 2 Mus musculus
Gene Taar3 trace amine-associated receptor 3 Mus musculus
Gene Taar4 trace amine-associated receptor 4 Mus musculus
Gene Taar5 trace amine-associated receptor 5 Mus musculus
Gene Taar6 trace amine-associated receptor 6 Mus musculus
Gene Taar7a trace amine-associated receptor 7A Mus musculus
Gene Taar8b trace amine-associated receptor 8B Mus musculus
Gene Taar5 trace amine-associated receptor 5 Rattus norvegicus

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