RGD Reference Report - Exaggerated response to cold stress in a congenic strain for the quantitative trait locus for blood pressure. - Rat Genome Database

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Exaggerated response to cold stress in a congenic strain for the quantitative trait locus for blood pressure.

Authors: Cui, ZH  Ikeda, K  Kawakami, K  Gonda, T  Masuda, J  Nabika, T 
Citation: Cui ZH, etal., J Hypertens 2004 Nov;22(11):2103-9.
RGD ID: 1302892
Pubmed: PMID:15480093   (View Abstract at PubMed)

OBJECTIVE: Stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) are known to have sympathetic hyperactivity to various stimuli. In the search for 'intermediate phenotypes' inferring the function of hypertension genes, the present study assessed responsiveness to cold stress in a congenic strain derived from SHRSP/Izm and Wistar-Kyoto/Izm (WKY/Izm). DESIGN: A congenic strain, WKYpch1.0, was established by 10 generations of backcrossing to transfer the chromosomal fragment between D1Wox29 and D1Arb21 of SHRSP to WKY. This fragment covered the 100:1 confidence interval of the quantitative trait locus (QTL) for blood pressure identified in a previous study. Response to cold stress was studied by exposing rats to 4 degrees C for 4 h. Blood pressure was monitored with telemetry. Urine was collected during the exposure, and urinary concentrations of catecholamines were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Under the cold stress, urinary excretion of norepinephrine (NE) and vanillylmandelic acid (VMA), as well as the plasma level of NE, was significantly greater in WKYpch1.0 than in WKY. The increase in blood pressure during the cold stress was also greater in WKYpch1.0 than in WKY. Further, neonatal chemical sympathectomy using guanethidine abolished the exaggerated response in blood pressure and in urinary excretion of NE and VMA in WKYpch1.0. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that the QTL region on rat chromosome 1 harbored genes responsible for the exaggerated response of the sympathetic nervous system to the cold stress. The relationship of this with the pathogenesis of hypertension should be elucidated in future studies.

RGD Manual Disease Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Cstrr1Ratautonomic nervous system disease  IAGP  RGD 
Cstrr1Rathypertension  IAGP  RGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRathypertension susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 

Phenotype Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Mammalian Phenotype

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatabnormal response of heart to induced stress susceptibilityIAGPcold ambient air exposure and guanethidinecompared to WKY/IzmRGD 
Cstrr1Ratabnormal sensory capabilities/reflexes/nociception  IAGP  RGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatabnormal sensory capabilities/reflexes/nociception susceptibilityIAGPcold ambient air exposurecompared to WKY/IzmRGD 
WKY/IzmRatdecreased urine adrenaline level susceptibilityIAGP compared to SHRSP/IzmRGD 
WKY/IzmRatdecreased urine dopamine level susceptibilityIAGP compared to SHRSP/IzmRGD 
WKY/IzmRatdecreased urine noradrenaline level susceptibilityIAGP compared to SHRSP/IzmRGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRathypertension susceptibilityIAGPcold ambient air exposurecompared to WKY/IzmRGD 
Cstrr1Ratincreased circulating noradrenaline level  IAGP  RGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased circulating noradrenaline level susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased heart weight susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased kidney weight susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 
Cstrr1Ratincreased systemic arterial blood pressure  IAGP  RGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased systemic arterial blood pressure susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased systemic arterial diastolic blood pressure susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased systemic arterial systolic blood pressure susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 
SHRSP/IzmRatincreased urine adrenaline level susceptibilityIAGPcold ambient air exposurecompared to WKY/IzmRGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased urine adrenaline level susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 
SHRSP/IzmRatincreased urine dopamine level susceptibilityIAGPcold ambient air exposurecompared to WKY/IzmRGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased urine dopamine level susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 
SHRSP/IzmRatincreased urine noradrenaline level susceptibilityIAGPcold ambient air exposurecompared to WKY/IzmRGD 
WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/IzmRatincreased urine noradrenaline level susceptibilityIAGP compared to WKY/IzmRGD 

Objects Annotated

Cstrr1  (Cold stress response QTL 1)

WKY.SHRSP-(D1Wox29-D1Arb21)/Izm  (NA)
WKY/Izm  (Wistar-Kyoto)

Objects referenced in this article
QTL Bp84 Blood pressure QTL 84 Rattus norvegicus

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