GWAS585613_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS585613_H (smoking behavior, BMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS585613 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS585613_H
Name: smoking behavior, BMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS585613 (human)
RGD ID: 406936637
Trait: smoking behavior, BMI-adjusted waist circumference
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 1.0E-10
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh381573,936,469 - 73,936,470RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh371574,228,810 - 74,228,811RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS585613_HHumanBMI-adjusted waist circumference  IAGPrs4886782405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:28443625
GWAS585613_HHumansmoking behavior  IAGPrs4886782405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:28443625

References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
1318705LOXL1lysyl oxidase like 1157392646273952136Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs4886782)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh381573,936,469 - 73,936,470RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
406940289GWAS589265_Hsmoking behavior, BMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS589265 (human)8e-11smoking behavior, BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406936449GWAS585425_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference, physical activity measurement QTL GWAS585425 (human)3e-10BMI-adjusted waist circumferencevoluntary body movement measurement (CMO:0000954)157393646973936470Human
406960677GWAS609653_Hbody height QTL GWAS609653 (human)7e-14body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)157393646973936470Human
406987495GWAS636471_Hbody height QTL GWAS636471 (human)3e-08body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)157393646973936470Human
407099205GWAS748181_Hbody height QTL GWAS748181 (human)4e-54body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)157393646973936470Human
406937448GWAS586424_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS586424 (human)0.000005BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406950859GWAS599835_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS599835 (human)6e-12BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406938253GWAS587229_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS587229 (human)0.0000004BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406936332GWAS585308_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS585308 (human)2e-10smoking behavior, BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406936782GWAS585758_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference, physical activity measurement QTL GWAS585758 (human)6e-10BMI-adjusted waist circumference, physical activity measurementvoluntary body movement measurement (CMO:0000954)157393646973936470Human
406952146GWAS601122_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS601122 (human)7e-11BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406981526GWAS630502_Hbody height QTL GWAS630502 (human)6e-82body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)157393646973936470Human
406935924GWAS584900_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS584900 (human)4e-10BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406937494GWAS586470_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS586470 (human)2e-08BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406951641GWAS600617_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS600617 (human)5e-08BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406935704GWAS584680_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference, physical activity measurement QTL GWAS584680 (human)1e-09BMI-adjusted waist circumferencevoluntary body movement measurement (CMO:0000954)157393646973936470Human
407015326GWAS664302_Hbody height QTL GWAS664302 (human)6e-20body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)157393646973936470Human
406952541GWAS601517_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS601517 (human)4e-09BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406936637GWAS585613_Hsmoking behavior, BMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS585613 (human)1e-10smoking behavior, BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406952542GWAS601518_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS601518 (human)6e-09BMI-adjusted waist circumference157393646973936470Human
406935934GWAS584910_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference, physical activity measurement QTL GWAS584910 (human)2e-09BMI-adjusted waist circumference, physical activity measurementvoluntary body movement measurement (CMO:0000954)157393646973936470Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS584680_H GCST004563 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and physical activity interaction) 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals ? 0.6194 1E-9 9 rs4886782 N/A BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
physical activity measurement (EFO:0008002)
GWAS584900_H GCST004562 Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals G 0.6194 4E-10 9.398 rs4886782 0.025 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS584910_H GCST004563 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and physical activity interaction) 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals ? 0.6305000000000001 2E-9 8.699 rs4886782 N/A BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
physical activity measurement (EFO:0008002)
None Available GCST004563 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and physical activity interaction) 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals ? 0.6194 2E-9 8.699 rs4886782 N/A BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
physical activity measurement (EFO:0008002)
GWAS585308_H GCST004562 Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals G 0.6305000000000001 2E-10 9.699 rs4886782 0.0369 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS585425_H GCST004563 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and physical activity interaction) 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals ? 0.6305000000000001 3E-10 9.523 rs4886782 N/A BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
physical activity measurement (EFO:0008002)
None Available GCST004562 Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals G 0.6305000000000001 1E-9 9 rs4886782 0.0352 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS585613_H GCST004500 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (adjusted for smoking behaviour) 97,400 European ancestry women, 63,892 European ancestry men, 5,829 European ancestry individuals, 10,500 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry women, 2,706 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry men, 1,030 Indian Asian ancestry women, 7,648 Indian Asian ancestry men, 1,793 Filipino ancestry women, 2,944 Hispanic/Latino ancestry women, 1,764 Hispanic/Latino ancestry men A 0.3642 1E-10 10 rs4886782 0.0344 smoking behavior (EFO:0004318)
BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS585758_H GCST004563 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and physical activity interaction) 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals ? 0.6305000000000001 6E-10 9.222 rs4886782 N/A BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
physical activity measurement (EFO:0008002)
None Available GCST004500 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (adjusted for smoking behaviour) 97,400 European ancestry women, 63,892 European ancestry men, 5,829 European ancestry individuals, 10,500 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry women, 2,706 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry men, 1,030 Indian Asian ancestry women, 7,648 Indian Asian ancestry men, 1,793 Filipino ancestry women, 2,944 Hispanic/Latino ancestry women, 1,764 Hispanic/Latino ancestry men A 0.3642 1E-9 9 rs4886782 0.0228 smoking behavior (EFO:0004318)
BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS586424_H GCST004504 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in non-smokers 77,113 European ancestry women, 47,319 European ancestry men, 4,856 European ancestry individuals, 8,799 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry women, 1,803 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry men, 1,020 Indian Asian ancestry women, 6,691 Indian Asian ancestry men, 1,526 Filipino ancestry women, 2,469 Hispanic/Latino ancestry women, 1,318 Hispanic/Latino ancestry men A 0.3642 0.000005 5.302 rs4886782 0.0283 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS586470_H GCST004504 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in non-smokers 77,113 European ancestry women, 47,319 European ancestry men, 4,856 European ancestry individuals, 8,799 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry women, 1,803 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry men, 1,020 Indian Asian ancestry women, 6,691 Indian Asian ancestry men, 1,526 Filipino ancestry women, 2,469 Hispanic/Latino ancestry women, 1,318 Hispanic/Latino ancestry men A 0.3642 2E-8 7.699 rs4886782 0.0231 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS587229_H GCST004503 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in smokers 19,276 European ancestry women, 16,408 European ancestry men, 973 European ancestry individuals, 1,701 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry women, 903 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry men, 10 Indian Asian ancestry women, 957 Indian Asian ancestry men, 267 Filipino ancestry women, 475 Hispanic/Latino ancestry women, 446 Hispanic/Latino ancestry men A 0.3642 4E-7 6.398 rs4886782 0.0558 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS589265_H GCST004501 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and smoking interaction) 97,400 European ancestry women, 63,892 European ancestry men, 5,829 European ancestry individuals, 10,500 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry women, 2,706 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry men, 1,030 Indian Asian ancestry women, 7,648 Indian Asian ancestry men, 1,793 Filipino ancestry women, 2,944 Hispanic/Latino ancestry women, 1,764 Hispanic/Latino ancestry men A 0.3642 8E-11 10.097 rs4886782 N/A smoking behavior (EFO:0004318)
BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
None Available GCST004501 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI (joint analysis main effects and smoking interaction) 97,400 European ancestry women, 63,892 European ancestry men, 5,829 European ancestry individuals, 10,500 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry women, 2,706 African American/Afro-Caribbean ancestry men, 1,030 Indian Asian ancestry women, 7,648 Indian Asian ancestry men, 1,793 Filipino ancestry women, 2,944 Hispanic/Latino ancestry women, 1,764 Hispanic/Latino ancestry men A 0.3642 2E-10 9.699 rs4886782 N/A smoking behavior (EFO:0004318)
BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS599835_H GCST004063 Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index up to 56,910 European ancestry men, up to 86,570 European ancestry women A 0.3726 6E-12 11.222 rs4886782 0.0245 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
None Available GCST004063 Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index up to 56,910 European ancestry men, up to 86,570 European ancestry women A 0.3726 3E-10 9.523 rs4886782 0.0315 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS600617_H GCST004564 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in active individuals 1,957 African American women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 305 Indian ancestry women, 67,139 European ancestry women, 1,206 African American men, 2,029 Indian ancestry men, 43,100 European ancestry men, at least 4,819 European ancestry individuals G 0.6375 5E-8 7.302 rs4886782 0.0353 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
None Available GCST004564 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in active individuals 1,957 African American women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 305 Indian ancestry women, 67,139 European ancestry women, 1,206 African American men, 2,029 Indian ancestry men, 43,100 European ancestry men, at least 4,819 European ancestry individuals G 0.6305000000000001 1E-9 9 rs4886782 0.0269 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS601122_H GCST004562 Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals G 0.6305000000000001 7E-11 10.155 rs4886782 0.0252 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
None Available GCST004562 Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index 2,518 African American women, 85,730 European ancestry women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 1,030 Indian ancestry women, 1,457 African American men, 54,792 European ancestry men, 7,648 Indian ancestry men, 5,527 European ancestry individuals G 0.6194 1E-9 9 rs4886782 0.0367 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
None Available GCST004564 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in active individuals 1,957 African American women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 305 Indian ancestry women, 67,139 European ancestry women, 1,206 African American men, 2,029 Indian ancestry men, 43,100 European ancestry men, at least 4,819 European ancestry individuals G 0.6213 2E-8 7.699 rs4886782 0.0372 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS601517_H GCST004564 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in active individuals 1,957 African American women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 305 Indian ancestry women, 67,139 European ancestry women, 1,206 African American men, 2,029 Indian ancestry men, 43,100 European ancestry men, at least 4,819 European ancestry individuals G 0.6194 4E-9 8.398 rs4886782 0.0267 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS601518_H GCST004564 Waist circumference adjusted for BMI in active individuals 1,957 African American women, 1,773 Filipino ancestry women, 305 Indian ancestry women, 67,139 European ancestry women, 1,206 African American men, 2,029 Indian ancestry men, 43,100 European ancestry men, at least 4,819 European ancestry individuals G 0.6292 6E-9 8.222 rs4886782 0.0377 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS609653_H GCST008839 Height 159,095 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 7E-14 13.155 rs4886782 0.037250843 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS630502_H GCST007841 Height approximately 458,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 6E-82 81.222 rs4886782 N/A body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS636471_H GCST90131910 Height 67,452 Han Chinese ancestry individuals G NR 3E-8 7.523 rs4886782 0.046 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS664302_H GCST90245845 Height 472,730 East Asian ancestry individuals A 0.0865 6E-20 19.222 rs4886782 0.0339 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS748181_H GCST90245844 Height 455,180 Hispanic or Latin American individuals A 0.3398 4E-54 53.398 rs4886782 0.0351 body height (EFO:0004339)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST004500 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference