Havcr1 (hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: Havcr1 (hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1) Rattus norvegicus
Symbol: Havcr1
Name: hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1
RGD ID: 708425
Description: Predicted to enable phosphatidylserine binding activity and virus receptor activity. Involved in several processes, including phagocytosis, engulfment; response to mycotoxin; and response to testosterone. Located in several cellular components, including apical plasma membrane; cell surface; and phagocytic vesicle. Biomarker of colitis; hypertension; kidney failure (multiple); and proteinuria (multiple). Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in atopic dermatitis. Orthologous to human HAVCR1 (hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1); INTERACTS WITH (R)-lipoic acid; 1-naphthyl isothiocyanate; 11-deoxycorticosterone.
Type: protein-coding
Previously known as: HAVcr-1; hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 homolog; kidney injury molecule 1; KIM-1; Kim1; t cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing protein 1; TIMD-1
RGD Orthologs
Green Monkey
Naked Mole-Rat
Alliance Orthologs
More Info more info ...
Latest Assembly: GRCr8 - GRCr8 Assembly
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81031,619,914 - 31,652,955 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21031,118,667 - 31,151,730 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1031,119,088 - 31,151,698 (+)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx1035,844,047 - 35,867,236 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0104,382,417 - 4,405,608 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.01030,831,210 - 30,854,422 (+)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.01031,813,819 - 31,860,934 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1031,813,814 - 31,848,379 (+)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.01031,632,718 - 31,682,172 (+)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41031,834,519 - 31,858,019 (+)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
RGSC_v3.11031,835,567 - 31,859,066 (+)NCBI
Celera1030,573,361 - 30,596,533 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map10q21NCBI
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Gene-Chemical Interaction Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View
(R)-lipoic acid  (EXP,ISO)
(S)-naringenin  (ISO)
(S)-nicotine  (ISO)
1-aminobenzotriazole  (ISO)
1-naphthyl isothiocyanate  (EXP)
11-deoxycorticosterone  (EXP)
17beta-estradiol 3-benzoate  (EXP)
2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid  (EXP)
3-chloropropane-1,2-diol  (ISO)
3-methyladenine  (ISO)
4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane  (EXP,ISO)
4,4'-sulfonyldiphenol  (EXP,ISO)
6-chloro-2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-carbazole-1-carboxamide  (ISO)
7,9-dihydro-1H-purine-2,6,8(3H)-trione  (EXP)
acrylamide  (EXP)
adefovir  (EXP)
adenine  (ISO)
aflatoxin B1  (ISO)
agomelatine  (EXP)
aldehydo-D-glucose  (ISO)
allyl alcohol  (ISO)
alpha-Zearalanol  (EXP)
amlodipine  (EXP)
ammonium chloride  (EXP)
amphotericin B methyl ester  (ISO)
anethole  (EXP)
anthocyanin  (EXP)
anthracen-2-amine  (EXP)
antimony(0)  (ISO)
aristolochic acid A  (EXP,ISO)
arotinoid acid  (ISO)
arsane  (ISO)
arsenic atom  (ISO)
bacitracin  (EXP)
benzo[a]pyrene  (ISO)
Bergenin  (EXP)
bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate  (ISO)
Bisibuthiamine  (EXP)
bisphenol A  (EXP,ISO)
bisphenol AF  (ISO)
bisphenol F  (EXP)
bleomycin A2  (ISO)
boric acid  (EXP)
boron atom  (EXP)
butanal  (ISO)
C60 fullerene  (EXP)
cadmium atom  (EXP,ISO)
cadmium dichloride  (EXP)
canagliflozin  (EXP)
catalpol  (ISO)
cefaloridine  (EXP)
CGP 52608  (ISO)
CGS-21680  (ISO)
CHIR 99021  (ISO)
chlordecone  (ISO)
chloroform  (ISO)
cholesterol  (EXP)
chromium atom  (EXP)
chromium(6+)  (EXP,ISO)
cidofovir anhydrous  (ISO)
cilnidipine  (EXP)
cisplatin  (EXP,ISO)
cobalt dichloride  (ISO)
colistin  (EXP)
copper atom  (EXP)
copper(0)  (EXP)
copper(II) sulfate  (EXP)
cortisol  (ISO)
curcumin  (EXP)
cyanocob(III)alamin  (ISO)
cyanuric acid  (EXP)
cyclophosphamide  (EXP)
cyclosporin A  (EXP,ISO)
D-glucose  (ISO)
dapagliflozin  (EXP)
deferasirox  (EXP,ISO)
desferrioxamine B  (EXP)
Di-n-octyl phthalate  (ISO)
diclofenac  (EXP,ISO)
dimethyl fumarate  (ISO)
disodium selenite  (ISO)
doxorubicin  (EXP)
elemental boron  (EXP)
erythrosin B  (EXP)
ethanol  (ISO)
ethylene glycol  (EXP,ISO)
ethylparaben  (ISO)
fenamic acid  (EXP)
ferrostatin-1  (EXP,ISO)
folic acid  (ISO)
formaldehyde  (ISO)
formononetin  (EXP)
fructose  (EXP,ISO)
galangin  (EXP)
gefitinib  (ISO)
gentamycin  (EXP,ISO)
geraniol  (EXP)
glucose  (ISO)
glycidol  (ISO)
glyphosate  (EXP)
gold atom  (ISO)
gold(0)  (ISO)
herbacetin  (EXP)
hesperidin  (EXP)
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene  (EXP)
hydrogen chloride  (ISO)
hydrogen peroxide  (ISO)
hypoxanthine  (ISO)
icariin  (ISO)
icosanoid  (EXP)
inositol  (ISO)
iodixanol  (EXP)
iohexol  (EXP)
iron(III) nitrilotriacetate  (EXP)
isocyanuric acid  (EXP)
isoliquiritigenin  (EXP)
isoniazide  (EXP)
ketamine  (ISO)
ketoconazole  (EXP)
L-ascorbic acid  (ISO)
L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate  (ISO)
lead diacetate  (EXP)
lead(0)  (EXP)
lidocaine  (EXP)
linoleic acid  (ISO)
lipoic acid  (EXP,ISO)
lipopolysaccharide  (ISO)
lisinopril dihydrate  (EXP)
losartan  (EXP)
lycopene  (ISO)
madecassoside  (ISO)
maleic acid  (EXP)
meglumine amidotrizoate  (EXP)
melamine  (EXP)
melatonin  (ISO)
menadione  (ISO)
mercury atom  (EXP)
mercury dichloride  (EXP,ISO)
mercury(0)  (EXP)
metformin  (EXP)
methamphetamine  (ISO)
methylmercury chloride  (EXP,ISO)
N-acetyl-L-cysteine  (EXP,ISO)
N-nitrosodiethylamine  (EXP)
natamycin  (ISO)
nicorandil  (EXP)
nicotine  (ISO)
nifedipine  (EXP)
nitric oxide  (EXP)
nitrofen  (EXP)
nystatin  (ISO)
ochratoxin A  (EXP,ISO)
oleic acid  (ISO)
Ondansetron  (ISO)
ozone  (EXP,ISO)
paracetamol  (EXP,ISO)
paraquat  (ISO)
patulin  (EXP)
Pentoxifylline  (EXP)
perfluorohexanesulfonic acid  (ISO)
perfluorooctane-1-sulfonic acid  (EXP,ISO)
perfluorooctanoic acid  (ISO)
phenol  (ISO)
phenylbutazone  (EXP)
phenylmercury acetate  (ISO)
Phytolaccoside E  (ISO)
pinostrobin  (EXP)
pirinixic acid  (ISO)
polymyxin B2  (ISO)
Potassium 2,6-dihydroxytriazinecarboxylate  (ISO)
potassium bromate  (EXP)
potassium dichromate  (EXP)
probenecid  (ISO)
resveratrol  (ISO)
rotenone  (ISO)
S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-L-cysteine  (ISO)
Salinomycin  (ISO)
salubrinal  (ISO)
SB 431542  (ISO)
sirolimus  (EXP)
sodium arsenite  (EXP,ISO)
sodium cholate  (EXP)
sodium fluoride  (EXP)
streptozocin  (EXP,ISO)
sulforaphane  (ISO)
tacrolimus hydrate  (EXP)
tannic acid  (EXP)
tartrazine  (EXP)
tenofovir disoproxil fumarate  (ISO)
testosterone  (EXP,ISO)
tetrachloroethene  (ISO)
tetrachloromethane  (EXP,ISO)
tetramethylpyrazine  (EXP)
thioacetamide  (EXP)
titanium dioxide  (ISO)
trans-anethole  (EXP)
trichloroethene  (EXP)
umbelliferone  (EXP)
urethane  (ISO)
vancomycin  (EXP,ISO)
vildagliptin  (EXP)
Vinpocetine  (EXP)
XAV939  (ISO)
xylazine  (ISO)
zinc atom  (ISO)
zinc protoporphyrin  (EXP)
zinc(0)  (ISO)
zoledronic acid  (ISO)

Gene Ontology Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Cellular Component

Molecular Function


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Urinary NGAL and KIM-1: biomarkers for assessment of acute ischemic kidney injury following nephron sparing surgery. Abassi Z, etal., J Urol. 2013 Apr;189(4):1559-66. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2012.10.029. Epub 2012 Oct 22.
2. Macrophage infiltration and renal damage are independent of matrix metalloproteinase 12 in the obstructed kidney. Abraham AP, etal., Nephrology (Carlton). 2012 May;17(4):322-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1797.2012.01567.x.
3. Early urinary and plasma biomarkers for experimental diabetic nephropathy. Alter ML, etal., Clin Lab. 2012;58(7-8):659-71.
4. Fructose induces tubulointerstitial injury in the kidney of mice. Aoyama M, etal., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012 Mar 9;419(2):244-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2012.02.001. Epub 2012 Feb 8.
5. Urinary kidney injury molecule 1 and incidence of heart failure in elderly men. Carlsson AC, etal., Eur J Heart Fail. 2013 Apr;15(4):441-6. doi: 10.1093/eurjhf/hfs187. Epub 2012 Dec 7.
6. Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1/kidney injury molecule-1 is a susceptibility gene for clear cell renal cell carcinoma and hepatitis A virus cellular receptor/kidney injury molecule-1 ectodomain shedding a predictive biomarker of tumour progression. Cuadros T, etal., Eur J Cancer. 2013 May;49(8):2034-47. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2012.12.020. Epub 2013 Jan 23.
7. Chronic renovascular hypertension is associated with elevated levels of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. Eirin A, etal., Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Nov;27(11):4153-61. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfs370. Epub 2012 Aug 23.
8. Changes of the tubular markers in type 2 diabetes mellitus with glomerular hyperfiltration. Fu WJ, etal., Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2012 Jan;95(1):105-9. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2011.09.031. Epub 2011 Oct 20.
9. [Clinical study of kidney injury molecule-1 in the treatment of sepsis patients]. Gao LL, etal., Zhongguo Wei Zhong Bing Ji Jiu Yi Xue. 2012 Nov;24(11):647-50.
10. Structural equation modeling highlights the potential of Kim-1 as a biomarker for chronic kidney disease. Gardiner L, etal., Am J Nephrol. 2012;35(2):152-63. doi: 10.1159/000335579. Epub 2012 Jan 20.
11. Phylogenetic-based propagation of functional annotations within the Gene Ontology consortium. Gaudet P, etal., Brief Bioinform. 2011 Sep;12(5):449-62. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbr042. Epub 2011 Aug 27.
12. Association of atopy and eczema with polymorphisms in T-cell immunoglobulin domain and mucin domain-IL-2-inducible T-cell kinase gene cluster in chromosome 5 q 33. Graves PE, etal., J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Sep;116(3):650-6.
13. Kidney Injury Molecule-1 (KIM-1): a novel biomarker for human renal proximal tubule injury. Han WK, etal., Kidney Int. 2002 Jul;62(1):237-44.
14. Urinary macrophage migration inhibitory factor serves as a potential biomarker for acute kidney injury in patients with acute pyelonephritis. Hong MY, etal., Mediators Inflamm. 2012;2012:381358. doi: 10.1155/2012/381358. Epub 2012 Dec 23.
15. Early detection of renal injury using urinary vanin-1 in rats with experimental colitis. Hosohata K, etal., J Appl Toxicol. 2013 Jan 11. doi: 10.1002/jat.2849.
16. Kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), a putative epithelial cell adhesion molecule containing a novel immunoglobulin domain, is up-regulated in renal cells after injury. Ichimura T, etal., J Biol Chem 1998 Feb 13;273(7):4135-42.
17. Kidney injury molecule-1 is a phosphatidylserine receptor that confers a phagocytic phenotype on epithelial cells. Ichimura T, etal., J Clin Invest. 2008 May;118(5):1657-68.
18. Kidney injury molecule-1 and osteopontin: new markers for prediction of early kidney transplant rejection. Jin ZK, etal., Mol Immunol. 2013 Jul;54(3-4):457-64. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2013.01.013. Epub 2013 Feb 27.
19. T Cell Ig- and mucin-domain-containing molecule-3 (TIM-3) and TIM-1 molecules are differentially expressed on human Th1 and Th2 cells and in cerebrospinal fluid-derived mononuclear cells in multiple sclerosis. Khademi M, etal., J Immunol. 2004 Jun 1;172(11):7169-76.
20. Kidney injury molecule-1 is up-regulated in renal epithelial cells in response to oxalate in vitro and in renal tissues in response to hyperoxaluria in vivo. Khandrika L, etal., PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e44174. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044174. Epub 2012 Sep 12.
21. Effect of combining ACE inhibition with aldosterone blockade on proteinuria and renal damage in experimental nephrosis. Kramer AB, etal., Kidney Int. 2007 Mar;71(5):417-24. Epub 2007 Jan 10.
22. Kidney injury molecule-1 expression in murine polycystic kidney disease. Kuehn EW, etal., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2002 Dec;283(6):F1326-36. Epub 2002 Jul 24.
23. KIM-1 expression predicts renal outcomes in IgA nephropathy. Kwon SH, etal., Clin Exp Nephrol. 2012 Nov 8.
24. Myocardial infarction impairs renal function, induces renal interstitial fibrosis, and increases renal KIM-1 expression: implications for cardiorenal syndrome. Lekawanvijit S, etal., Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012 May 1;302(9):H1884-93. doi: 10.¿1152/¿ajpheart.¿00967.¿2011. Epub 2012 Feb 24.
25. Urinary Biomarkers in Relapsing Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-associated Vasculitis. Lieberthal JG, etal., J Rheumatol. 2013 May;40(5):674-683. Epub 2013 Apr 1.
26. Rat ISS GO annotations from MGI mouse gene data--August 2006 MGD data from the GO Consortium
27. Kidney injury molecule-1 is an early noninvasive indicator for donor brain death-induced injury prior to kidney transplantation. Nijboer WN, etal., Am J Transplant. 2009 Aug;9(8):1752-9. Epub 2009 Jun 12.
28. Vitamin D and calcium co-therapy mitigates pre-established cadmium nephropathy by regulating renal calcium homeostatic molecules and improving anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities in rat. Obaid AA, etal., J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2023 May 24;79:127221. doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2023.127221.
29. Bilirubin attenuates the renal tubular injury by inhibition of oxidative stress and apoptosis. Oh SW, etal., BMC Nephrol. 2013 May 17;14(1):105.
30. OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline
31. High urinary excretion of kidney injury molecule-1 is an independent predictor of end-stage renal disease in patients with IgA nephropathy. Peters HP, etal., Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Nov;26(11):3581-8. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfr135. Epub 2011 Apr 5.
32. Expression of kidney injury molecule-1 (Kim-1) in relation to necrosis and apoptosis during the early stages of Cd-induced proximal tubule injury. Prozialeck WC, etal., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2009 Aug 1;238(3):306-14. Epub 2009 Jan 31.
33. Cardiotrophin-1 administration prevents the renal toxicity of iodinated contrast media in rats. Quiros Y, etal., Toxicol Sci. 2013 Apr;132(2):493-501. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kft007. Epub 2013 Jan 18.
34. Evaluation of putative biomarkers of nephrotoxicity after exposure to ochratoxin a in vivo and in vitro. Rached E, etal., Toxicol Sci. 2008 Jun;103(2):371-81. Epub 2008 Feb 27.
35. GOA pipeline RGD automated data pipeline
36. ClinVar Automated Import and Annotation Pipeline RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations
37. Data Import for Chemical-Gene Interactions RGD automated import pipeline for gene-chemical interactions
38. Comprehensive gene review and curation RGD comprehensive gene curation
39. Kidney injury biomarkers in hypertensive, diabetic, and nephropathy rat models treated with contrast media. Rouse RL, etal., Toxicol Pathol. 2013;41(4):662-80. doi: 10.1177/0192623312464122. Epub 2012 Oct 19.
40. Novel assays for detection of urinary KIM-1 in mouse models of kidney injury. Sabbisetti VS, etal., Toxicol Sci. 2013 Jan;131(1):13-25. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfs268. Epub 2012 Sep 27.
41. Selenium inhibits renal oxidation and inflammation but not acute kidney injury in an animal model of rhabdomyolysis. Shanu A, etal., Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013 Mar 1;18(7):756-69. doi: 10.1089/ars.2012.4591. Epub 2012 Oct 16.
42. Protective Role of Testosterone in Ischemia-Reperfusion-induced Acute Kidney Injury. Soljancic A, etal., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2013 Apr 3.
43. Antagonism of TIM-1 blocks the development of disease in a humanized mouse model of allergic asthma. Sonar SS, etal., J Clin Invest. 2010 Aug 2;120(8):2767-81. doi: 10.1172/JCI39543. Epub 2010 Jul 12.
44. Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences. Strausberg RL, etal., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Dec 24;99(26):16899-903. Epub 2002 Dec 11.
45. Biomarkers for early detection of sickle nephropathy. Sundaram N, etal., Am J Hematol. 2011 Jul;86(7):559-66. doi: 10.1002/ajh.22045. Epub 2011 May 31.
46. Is urinary kidney injury molecule-1 a noninvasive marker for renal scarring in children with vesicoureteral reflux? Toker A, etal., Urology. 2013 Jan;81(1):168-72. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2012.09.004. Epub 2012 Nov 30.
47. Urine NGAL and KIM-1 in children and adolescents with hyperuricemia. Tomczak J, etal., Pediatr Nephrol. 2013 May 15.
48. Renoprotective mechanisms of soy protein intake in the obese Zucker rat. Trujillo J, etal., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2008 Nov;295(5):F1574-82. Epub 2008 Sep 24.
49. Regression of microalbuminuria in type 1 diabetes is associated with lower levels of urinary tubular injury biomarkers, kidney injury molecule-1, and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase. Vaidya VS, etal., Kidney Int. 2011 Feb;79(4):464-70. doi: 10.1038/ki.2010.404. Epub 2010 Oct 27.
50. Tubular kidney injury molecule-1 in protein-overload nephropathy. van Timmeren MM, etal., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2006 Aug;291(2):F456-64. Epub 2006 Feb 7.
51. Comprehensive Molecular Analyses of a Macrophage-Related Gene Signature With Regard to Prognosis, Immune Features, and Biomarkers for Immunotherapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Based on WGCNA and the LASSO Algorithm. Wang T, etal., Front Immunol. 2022 May 27;13:843408. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.843408. eCollection 2022.
52. KIM-1 and NGAL: new markers of obstructive nephropathy. Wasilewska A, etal., Pediatr Nephrol. 2011 Apr;26(4):579-86. doi: 10.1007/s00467-011-1773-5. Epub 2011 Jan 31.
53. Differences in immunolocalization of Kim-1, RPA-1, and RPA-2 in kidneys of gentamicin-, cisplatin-, and valproic acid-treated rats: potential role of iNOS and nitrotyrosine. Zhang J, etal., Toxicol Pathol. 2009;37(5):629-43. Epub 2009 Jun 17.
Additional References at PubMed
PMID:15489334   PMID:16174863   PMID:16387092   PMID:16896183   PMID:17670906   PMID:17934191   PMID:18083575   PMID:19225054   PMID:19371616   PMID:19387469   PMID:20305092   PMID:20458318  
PMID:20566714   PMID:20660082   PMID:21536871   PMID:21905055   PMID:22898836   PMID:23360846   PMID:24158981   PMID:24816434   PMID:24904085   PMID:25087119   PMID:27050864   PMID:27231899  
PMID:27756197   PMID:28075469   PMID:29045706   PMID:29402223   PMID:30431687   PMID:30500779   PMID:31050655   PMID:31373312   PMID:33678127   PMID:36598304   PMID:36934678  


Comparative Map Data
(Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81031,619,914 - 31,652,955 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21031,118,667 - 31,151,730 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1031,119,088 - 31,151,698 (+)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx1035,844,047 - 35,867,236 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0104,382,417 - 4,405,608 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.01030,831,210 - 30,854,422 (+)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.01031,813,819 - 31,860,934 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1031,813,814 - 31,848,379 (+)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.01031,632,718 - 31,682,172 (+)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41031,834,519 - 31,858,019 (+)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
RGSC_v3.11031,835,567 - 31,859,066 (+)NCBI
Celera1030,573,361 - 30,596,533 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map10q21NCBI
(Homo sapiens - human)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCh385157,029,413 - 157,069,407 (-)NCBIGRCh38GRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh38.p14 Ensembl5157,026,742 - 157,069,396 (-)EnsemblGRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh375156,456,424 - 156,486,127 (-)NCBIGRCh37GRCh37hg19GRCh37
Build 365156,389,109 - 156,418,065 (-)NCBINCBI36Build 36hg18NCBI36
Build 345156,389,014 - 156,418,548NCBI
Celera5152,482,103 - 152,511,651 (-)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map5q33.3NCBI
HuRef5151,544,985 - 151,574,299 (-)NCBIHuRef
CHM1_15155,888,935 - 155,918,725 (-)NCBICHM1_1
T2T-CHM13v2.05157,548,433 - 157,588,641 (-)NCBIT2T-CHM13v2.0
(Mus musculus - house mouse)
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm391146,630,644 - 46,670,405 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
GRCm39 Ensembl1146,625,907 - 46,670,405 (+)EnsemblGRCm39 Ensembl
GRCm381146,739,822 - 46,779,578 (+)NCBIGRCm38GRCm38mm10GRCm38
GRCm38.p6 Ensembl1146,735,080 - 46,779,578 (+)EnsemblGRCm38mm10GRCm38
MGSCv371146,553,725 - 46,593,080 (+)NCBIGRCm37MGSCv37mm9NCBIm37
MGSCv361146,594,600 - 46,622,036 (+)NCBIMGSCv36mm8
Celera1151,321,716 - 51,355,068 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map11B1.1NCBI
cM Map1128.08NCBI
(Chinchilla lanigera - long-tailed chinchilla)
Chinchilla AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChiLan1.0NW_00495540811,047,679 - 11,070,492 (-)NCBIChiLan1.0ChiLan1.0
(Pan paniscus - bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee)
Bonobo AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
NHGRI_mPanPan1-v24152,220,695 - 152,257,458 (-)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1-v2
NHGRI_mPanPan15150,360,242 - 150,397,005 (-)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1
Mhudiblu_PPA_v05152,429,337 - 152,459,800 (-)NCBIMhudiblu_PPA_v0Mhudiblu_PPA_v0panPan3
PanPan1.15158,413,054 - 158,442,481 (-)NCBIpanpan1.1PanPan1.1panPan2
PanPan1.1 Ensembl5158,413,073 - 158,442,481 (-)Ensemblpanpan1.1panPan2
(Canis lupus familiaris - dog)
Dog AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
CanFam3.1453,012,223 - 53,066,611 (+)NCBICanFam3.1CanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
CanFam3.1 Ensembl453,046,970 - 53,128,952 (+)EnsemblCanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
CanFam3.1 Ensembl453,012,234 - 53,033,393 (+)EnsemblCanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha452,939,224 - 52,956,256 (+)NCBIDog10K_Boxer_Tasha
ROS_Cfam_1.0453,479,175 - 53,503,280 (+)NCBIROS_Cfam_1.0
ROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl453,456,833 - 53,570,712 (+)EnsemblROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl
UMICH_Zoey_3.1453,309,862 - 53,326,891 (+)NCBIUMICH_Zoey_3.1
UNSW_CanFamBas_1.0453,416,885 - 53,433,922 (+)NCBIUNSW_CanFamBas_1.0
UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0453,933,785 - 53,950,850 (+)NCBIUU_Cfam_GSD_1.0
(Ictidomys tridecemlineatus - thirteen-lined ground squirrel)
Squirrel AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HiC_Itri_2NW_024407213107,580,999 - 107,601,858 (+)NCBIHiC_Itri_2
SpeTri2.0NW_0049365156,030,402 - 6,051,161 (+)NCBISpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0
(Sus scrofa - pig)
Pig AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
Sscrofa11.11666,162,318 - 66,208,868 (+)NCBISscrofa11.1Sscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa10.21671,949,487 - 71,963,277 (-)NCBISscrofa10.2Sscrofa10.2susScr3
(Chlorocebus sabaeus - green monkey)
Green Monkey AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChlSab1.12359,422,769 - 59,454,183 (-)NCBIChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1chlSab2
ChlSab1.1 Ensembl2359,423,334 - 59,453,531 (-)EnsemblChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1 EnsemblchlSab2
Vero_WHO_p1.0NW_02366603418,176,581 - 18,208,543 (+)NCBIVero_WHO_p1.0Vero_WHO_p1.0
(Heterocephalus glaber - naked mole-rat)
Naked Mole-Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HetGla 1.0NW_00462473332,284,793 - 32,310,980 (+)NCBIHetGla_female_1.0HetGla 1.0hetGla2


Variants in Havcr1
386 total Variants
miRNA Target Status

Predicted Target Of
Summary Value
Count of predictions:510
Count of miRNA genes:262
Interacting mature miRNAs:316
Prediction methods:Microtar, Miranda, Rnahybrid, Targetscan
Result types:miRGate_prediction

The detailed report is available here: Full Report CSV TAB Printer

miRNA Target Status data imported from miRGate (http://mirgate.bioinfo.cnio.es/).
For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 or access the full paper here.

QTLs in Region (GRCr8)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
9589136Insul27Insulin level QTL 2710.460.001blood insulin amount (VT:0001560)plasma insulin level (CMO:0000342)101147401056474010Rat
631564Apr3Acute phase response QTL 33.9blood interleukin-6 amount (VT:0008595)plasma interleukin-6 level (CMO:0001927)101527595560275955Rat
1298069Bp168Blood pressure QTL 1685.5blood pressure trait (VT:0000183)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)102652195798003205Rat
631554Bp133Blood pressure QTL 1330.005arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)1074336463851208Rat
631557Bp136Blood pressure QTL 1360.003arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)103063205375632053Rat
61325Aia5Adjuvant induced arthritis QTL 50.01joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919)1023444813104060283Rat
1578761Stresp21Stress response QTL 213.3thymus mass (VT:0004954)thymus wet weight (CMO:0000855)10637574651375746Rat
2293680Bss40Bone structure and strength QTL 405.660.0001femur strength trait (VT:0010010)femur total energy absorbed before break (CMO:0001677)10135225947Rat
2298544Neuinf9Neuroinflammation QTL 94.6nervous system integrity trait (VT:0010566)spinal cord complement component 1, q subcomponent, B chain mRNA level (CMO:0002126)10580199062146030Rat
10401803Kidm50Kidney mass QTL 50kidney mass (VT:0002707)both kidneys wet weight (CMO:0000085)1041834445418344Rat
1554317Bmd4Bone mineral density QTL 49.40.0001lumbar vertebra mineral mass (VT:0010511)volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001553)101981604299406971Rat
1598852Anxrr19Anxiety related response QTL 195.07body movement coordination trait (VT:0005424)number of rearing movements in an experimental apparatus (CMO:0001752)101816784163167841Rat
1581497Esta1Estrogen-induced thymic atrophy QTL 1thymus mass (VT:0004954)thymus wet weight (CMO:0000855)102132980561345413Rat
2313095Bss62Bone structure and strength QTL 621.50.0001tibia size trait (VT:0100001)tibia midshaft cross-sectional area (CMO:0001717)10538701450387014Rat
724527Bp148Blood pressure QTL 1480.0001arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)102845313673453136Rat
1331762Rf40Renal function QTL 403.873kidney blood vessel physiology trait (VT:0100012)absolute change in renal vascular resistance (CMO:0001900)102929950464155584Rat
2300171Bmd58Bone mineral density QTL 584.90.0001lumbar vertebra mineral mass (VT:0010511)volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001553)102694462871944628Rat
61354Pia10Pristane induced arthritis QTL 100.01joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919)1023444813104060283Rat
2301967Cm73Cardiac mass QTL 734.55heart left ventricle mass (VT:0007031)heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000530)101448701189062041Rat
2303118Mamtr7Mammary tumor resistance QTL 70.003mammary gland integrity trait (VT:0010552)mammary tumor growth rate (CMO:0000344)109658275104670812Rat
2313104Bss61Bone structure and strength QTL 610.90.0001tibia area (VT:1000281)tibia midshaft cross-sectional area (CMO:0001717)10538701450387014Rat
9590310Scort19Serum corticosterone level QTL 196.30.001blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345)plasma corticosterone level (CMO:0001173)101147401056474010Rat
10402859Bp381Blood pressure QTL 3810.002arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)102760646872606468Rat
2316949Gluco60Glucose level QTL 603.7blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level (CMO:0000046)1014487011107057807Rat
6893352Bw100Body weight QTL 1000.330.6body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)11590666560906665Rat
724556Pur2Proteinuria QTL 25.5urine protein amount (VT:0005160)urine protein level (CMO:0000591)102242750090627625Rat
8662860Vetf10Vascular elastic tissue fragility QTL 10artery integrity trait (VT:0010639)number of ruptures of the internal elastic lamina of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries (CMO:0002562)10615418273453136Rat
2313066Bss63Bone structure and strength QTL 631.40.0001tibia strength trait (VT:1000284)bone polar moment of inertia (CMO:0001558)10538701450387014Rat
2313064Bmd71Bone mineral density QTL 710.90.0001tibia mineral mass (VT:1000283)compact volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001730)10538701450387014Rat
70223Bp57Blood pressure QTL 575arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)10180676123Rat
1354587Kidm21Kidney mass QTL 213.3kidney mass (VT:0002707)right kidney wet weight (CMO:0000082)101502851360430477Rat
6893350Bw99Body weight QTL 990.870.16body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)11590666560906665Rat
70224Eae3Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 34.1nervous system integrity trait (VT:0010566)experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis incidence/prevalence measurement (CMO:0001046)102652195761345413Rat
2298480Eau7Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 70.0049uvea integrity trait (VT:0010551)experimental autoimmune uveitis score (CMO:0001504)102795762634490668Rat
2313081Bss64Bone structure and strength QTL 641.30.0001tibia strength trait (VT:1000284)tibia total energy absorbed before break (CMO:0001736)10538701450387014Rat
1331791Cm31Cardiac mass QTL 313.84606heart mass (VT:0007028)heart wet weight (CMO:0000069)1029299504107211142Rat
2313087Bmd80Bone mineral density QTL 803.20.0001tibia mineral mass (VT:1000283)total volumetric bone mineral density (CMO:0001728)101960648364606483Rat
634327Hc4Hypercalciuria QTL 42.4urine calcium amount (VT:0002985)urine calcium excretion rate (CMO:0000763)10138328221Rat
631531Iresp2Immunoglobin response QTL26.3blood immunoglobulin E amount (VT:0002492)serum immunoglobulin E level (CMO:0002101)102291826836400810Rat
631532Cm50Cardiac mass QTL 506.6heart mass (VT:0007028)calculated heart weight (CMO:0000073)101790711351786432Rat
7411611Foco17Food consumption QTL 1718.70.001eating behavior trait (VT:0001431)feed conversion ratio (CMO:0001312)10142315980Rat
631267Cia20Collagen induced arthritis QTL 203.2joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919)1023444813104060283Rat
1600371Mcs21Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 213mammary gland integrity trait (VT:0010552)mammary tumor growth rate (CMO:0000344)102887565052200160Rat
631268Cia21Collagen induced arthritis QTL 213.1joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919)1014487011104060283Rat
9590268Scort13Serum corticosterone level QTL 133.260.001blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345)plasma corticosterone level (CMO:0001173)101147401056474010Rat
61427Cia16Collagen induced arthritis QTL 163.2joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919)10635789696121100Rat
2292441Bp308Blood pressure QTL 308arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)102760646872606468Rat
2313055Bw96Body weight QTL 963.60.0001body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)101960648364606483Rat
631542Bp82Blood pressure QTL 826.8arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)102652195798952741Rat

Markers in Region
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21031,132,529 - 31,132,683 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01031,827,689 - 31,827,842NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01031,648,824 - 31,648,977UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41031,838,850 - 31,839,003UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1030,577,354 - 30,577,507UniSTS
RH 3.4 Map10302.11UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map10q21UniSTS


RNA-SEQ Expression

alimentary part of gastrointestinal system
circulatory system
endocrine system
exocrine system
hemolymphoid system
hepatobiliary system
integumental system
nervous system
renal system
reproductive system
respiratory system
9 10 19 50 78 77 46 25 46 6 167 66 30 38 40 31


Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000009573   ⟹   ENSRNOP00000009573
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1031,119,088 - 31,151,698 (+)Ensembl
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1031,813,814 - 31,848,379 (+)Ensembl
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000104970   ⟹   ENSRNOP00000076717
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1031,119,088 - 31,151,698 (+)Ensembl
RefSeq Acc Id: NM_173149   ⟹   NP_775172
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCr81031,629,778 - 31,652,951 (+)NCBI
mRatBN7.21031,128,531 - 31,151,700 (+)NCBI
Rnor_6.01031,823,688 - 31,846,859 (+)NCBI
Rnor_5.01031,632,718 - 31,682,172 (+)NCBI
RGSC_v3.41031,834,519 - 31,858,019 (+)RGD
Celera1030,573,361 - 30,596,533 (+)RGD
RefSeq Acc Id: XM_006246163   ⟹   XP_006246225
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCr81031,619,914 - 31,652,955 (+)NCBI
mRatBN7.21031,118,667 - 31,151,730 (+)NCBI
Rnor_6.01031,813,819 - 31,846,859 (+)NCBI
Rnor_5.01031,632,718 - 31,682,172 (+)NCBI
Protein Sequences
Protein RefSeqs NP_775172 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
  XP_006246225 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
GenBank Protein AAC53546 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
  AAH61820 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
  EDM04183 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
  EDM04185 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
Ensembl Protein ENSRNOP00000009573.3
GenBank Protein O54947 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
RefSeq Acc Id: NP_775172   ⟸   NM_173149
- Peptide Label: precursor
- UniProtKB: O54947 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot),   A0A8I5Y0B2 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL),   A6HDT0 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL)
- Sequence:
RefSeq Acc Id: XP_006246225   ⟸   XM_006246163
- Peptide Label: isoform X1
- UniProtKB: A6HDS9 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL),   A0A8I5Y0B2 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL),   A6HDT0 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL),   G3V6W3 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL)
- Sequence:
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOP00000009573   ⟸   ENSRNOT00000009573
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOP00000076717   ⟸   ENSRNOT00000104970
Protein Domains
Ig-like   Ig-like V-type

Protein Structures
Name Modeler Protein Id AA Range Protein Structure
AF-O54947-F1-model_v2 AlphaFold O54947 1-307 view protein structure


eQTL   View at Phenogen
WGCNA   View at Phenogen
Tissue/Strain Expression   View at Phenogen

RGD ID:13697130
Promoter ID:EPDNEW_R7655
Type:multiple initiation site
Description:hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1
SO ACC ID:SO:0000170
Source:EPDNEW (Eukaryotic Promoter Database, http://epd.vital-it.ch/)
Experiment Methods:Single-end sequencing.
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
Rnor_6.01031,814,221 - 31,814,281EPDNEW

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
AGR Gene RGD:708425 AgrOrtholog
BioCyc Gene G2FUF-25358 BioCyc
Ensembl Genes ENSRNOG00000007243 Ensembl, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Ensembl Transcript ENSRNOT00000009573.7 UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  ENSRNOT00000104970.1 UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Gene3D-CATH UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
InterPro Ig-like_dom UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  Ig-like_dom_sf UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  Ig-like_fold UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  Ig_sub UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  Ig_V-set UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  TIM_domain-containing_protein UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
KEGG Report rno:286934 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
Pfam V-set UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
PhenoGen Havcr1 PhenoGen
RatGTEx ENSRNOG00000007243 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00065005775 RatGTEx
SMART SM00409 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Superfamily-SCOP SSF48726 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2008-03-04 Havcr1  hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1  Havcr1  kidney injury molecule 1  Nomenclature updated to reflect human and mouse nomenclature 1299863 APPROVED
2004-09-10 Havcr1  kidney injury molecule 1  Kim1    Symbol and Name updated 1299863 APPROVED

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
gene_expression expressed at a low level in normal kidney but increases dramatically in postischemic kidney 1299432