Hsd11b2 (hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: Hsd11b2 (hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2) Rattus norvegicus
Symbol: Hsd11b2
Name: hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2
RGD ID: 2835
Description: Enables NAD binding activity and steroid binding activity. Involved in several processes, including glucocorticoid metabolic process; regulation of blood volume by renal aldosterone; and response to insulin. Predicted to be located in endoplasmic reticulum. Predicted to be active in intracellular membrane-bounded organelle. Used to study hypertension. Biomarker of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder; hypertension; myocardial infarction; obesity; and ureteral obstruction. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome; hypertension; inherited metabolic disorder; obesity; and type 1 diabetes mellitus. Orthologous to human HSD11B2 (hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2); PARTICIPATES IN 11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency pathway; 17-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency pathway; 21-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency pathway; INTERACTS WITH (S)-nicotine; 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane; 1,4-dithiothreitol.
Type: protein-coding
Previously known as: 11-beta-HSD2; 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2; 11-DH2; corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 2; Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 11 beta type 2; Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 11 beta type 2; MGC93528; NAD-dependent 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
RGD Orthologs
Green Monkey
Naked Mole-Rat
Alliance Orthologs
More Info more info ...
Allele / Splice: Hsd11b2em1Jmul  
Genetic Models: F344-Hsd11b2em1Jmul-/-
Candidate Gene For: Eau8 Bw130
Latest Assembly: GRCr8 - GRCr8 Assembly
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81950,307,569 - 50,312,812 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21933,397,656 - 33,402,899 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1933,397,656 - 33,402,899 (+)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx1940,213,241 - 40,218,484 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.01940,866,577 - 40,871,820 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.01943,164,244 - 43,169,492 (+)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.01937,476,083 - 37,481,326 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1937,476,095 - 37,481,307 (+)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.01948,341,841 - 48,347,084 (+)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41935,336,342 - 35,341,585 (+)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
RGSC_v3.11935,341,222 - 35,346,466 (+)NCBI
Celera1932,826,007 - 32,831,250 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map19q12NCBI
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Gene-Chemical Interaction Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View
(S)-nicotine  (EXP,ISO)
1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethane  (EXP,ISO)
1,1-dichloroethene  (ISO)
1,4-dithiothreitol  (EXP,ISO)
1,7-dimethylxanthine  (ISO)
11-dehydrocorticosterone  (EXP)
17alpha-ethynylestradiol  (EXP)
17beta-estradiol  (EXP,ISO)
17beta-estradiol 3-benzoate  (EXP)
2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl  (ISO)
2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether  (ISO)
2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl  (ISO)
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine  (EXP)
2,4,6-trinitrotoluene  (EXP)
2,4-dinitrotoluene  (EXP)
2-butan-2-yl-4-[4-[4-[4-[[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl]methoxy]phenyl]-1-piperazinyl]phenyl]-1,2,4-triazol-3-one  (ISO)
3'-amino-3'-deoxy-N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine  (EXP)
3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl  (ISO)
4,4'-sulfonyldiphenol  (EXP,ISO)
4,4'-thiodiphenol  (EXP,ISO)
4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)butan-1-one  (ISO)
4-nonylphenol  (ISO)
4-octylphenol  (ISO)
5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine  (EXP,ISO)
6-propyl-2-thiouracil  (EXP)
8-Br-cAMP  (ISO)
actinomycin D  (ISO)
aflatoxin B1  (EXP)
aldehydo-D-glucose  (EXP)
all-trans-retinoic acid  (ISO)
alpha-Zearalanol  (EXP)
amitrole  (EXP)
ammonium chloride  (EXP)
aristolochic acid A  (ISO)
arsenic acid  (ISO)
atrazine  (ISO)
azathioprine  (ISO)
Azoxymethane  (ISO)
azoxystrobin  (EXP)
baicalein  (ISO)
beclomethasone  (ISO)
benzo[a]pyrene  (ISO)
beta-naphthoflavone  (ISO)
betamethasone  (EXP,ISO)
bexarotene  (ISO)
bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate  (EXP)
bisphenol A  (EXP,ISO)
bisphenol AF  (EXP,ISO)
Bisphenol B  (EXP,ISO)
bisphenol F  (EXP,ISO)
Bisphenol Z  (EXP,ISO)
bromobenzene  (EXP)
C60 fullerene  (EXP)
cadmium atom  (EXP,ISO)
cadmium dichloride  (EXP,ISO)
caffeine  (EXP,ISO)
calcitriol  (ISO)
CGP 52608  (ISO)
chloroprene  (EXP)
chlorpyrifos  (EXP)
colforsin daropate hydrochloride  (ISO)
copper atom  (EXP)
copper(0)  (EXP)
copper(II) sulfate  (ISO)
corticosterone  (EXP,ISO)
cortisol  (ISO)
cortisone  (ISO)
cosyntropin  (ISO)
cycloheximide  (ISO)
cyclosporin A  (ISO)
cypermethrin  (ISO)
D-glucose  (EXP)
danazol  (ISO)
dexamethasone  (EXP,ISO)
dextran sulfate  (ISO)
dibutyl phthalate  (EXP,ISO)
dibutylstannane  (ISO)
dicrotophos  (ISO)
Dicyclohexyl phthalate  (EXP,ISO)
diethyldithiocarbamic acid  (ISO)
diethylstilbestrol  (EXP)
dioxygen  (EXP)
dipentyl phthalate  (EXP)
diphenylstannane  (ISO)
dipropyl phthalate  (EXP,ISO)
disodium selenite  (EXP,ISO)
disulfiram  (ISO)
docebenone  (ISO)
dorsomorphin  (ISO)
doxorubicin  (EXP)
elemental selenium  (EXP,ISO)
endosulfan  (EXP)
entinostat  (ISO)
ethanol  (EXP,ISO)
ethylparaben  (ISO)
fentin chloride  (ISO)
fludioxonil  (ISO)
fluoxymesterone  (ISO)
flurbiprofen  (ISO)
genistein  (EXP,ISO)
gentamycin  (EXP)
glucose  (EXP)
glycyrrhetinate  (ISO)
glycyrrhetinic acid  (ISO)
glycyrrhizinic acid  (EXP)
glyphosate  (EXP)
hydrogen peroxide  (ISO)
hydroxyitraconazole  (ISO)
imidacloprid  (EXP)
indometacin  (ISO)
itraconazole  (ISO)
ketoconazole  (ISO)
L-1,4-dithiothreitol  (EXP,ISO)
leflunomide  (EXP)
leukotriene B4  (ISO)
lithium atom  (EXP)
lithium hydride  (EXP)
maneb  (ISO)
masoprocol  (ISO)
medroxyprogesterone acetate  (ISO)
menadione  (ISO)
mercury dichloride  (EXP)
methimazole  (EXP)
metyrapone  (ISO)
mifepristone  (ISO)
mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate  (EXP,ISO)
Monobutylphthalate  (ISO)
N-acetyl-L-cysteine  (ISO)
N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-leucyl-L-leucinal  (ISO)
N-ethylmaleimide  (ISO)
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine  (ISO)
NAD zwitterion  (EXP,ISO)
NADP zwitterion  (ISO)
NADP(+)  (ISO)
nickel atom  (ISO)
nicotine  (EXP,ISO)
oxymetholone  (ISO)
ozone  (ISO)
paracetamol  (EXP,ISO)
paraquat  (EXP)
PCB138  (ISO)
perfluorodecanoic acid  (ISO)
perfluorododecanoic acid  (ISO)
perfluorononanoic acid  (ISO)
perfluorooctane-1-sulfonic acid  (ISO)
perfluorooctanoic acid  (EXP,ISO)
perfluoroundecanoic acid  (ISO)
posaconazole  (ISO)
prednisolone  (ISO)
procainamide  (EXP,ISO)
progesterone  (ISO)
prostaglandin E2  (ISO)
prostaglandin F2alpha  (EXP,ISO)
pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate  (ISO)
quercetin  (EXP)
resveratrol  (ISO)
SB 431542  (ISO)
selenium atom  (EXP,ISO)
silicon dioxide  (ISO)
sodium arsenate  (ISO)
sodium arsenite  (ISO)
sodium chloride  (EXP)
spironolactone  (EXP)
sulfadimethoxine  (EXP)
tert-butyl hydroperoxide  (ISO)
testosterone  (EXP,ISO)
tetrachloromethane  (EXP)
thalidomide  (ISO)
thiabendazole  (EXP)
thiram  (ISO)
titanium dioxide  (ISO)
tributylstannane  (ISO)
trichloroethene  (EXP)
trichostatin A  (ISO)
triphenyl phosphate  (EXP)
triphenylstannane  (EXP,ISO)
triptonide  (ISO)
urethane  (ISO)
valproic acid  (ISO)
vecuronium bromide  (ISO)
vitamin E  (EXP)
zileuton  (ISO)
zinc atom  (EXP)
zinc(0)  (EXP)
zineb  (ISO)
ziram  (EXP,ISO)
zoledronic acid  (ISO)

Gene Ontology Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Cellular Component

Molecular Function


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Glucocorticoids and 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 gene expression in the aging kidney. Audige A, etal., Eur J Clin Invest 2002 Jun;32(6):411-20.
2. DHEA induces 11 -HSD2 by acting on CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins. Balazs Z, etal., J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008 Jan;19(1):92-101. Epub 2007 Nov 21.
3. Uteroplacental insufficiency alters nephrogenesis and downregulates cyclooxygenase-2 expression in a model of IUGR with adult-onset hypertension. Baserga M, etal., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007 May;292(5):R1943-55. Epub 2007 Feb 1.
4. Tissue-specific programming expression of glucocorticoid receptors and 11 beta-HSDs by maternal perinatal undernutrition in the HPA axis of adult male rats. Dutriez-Casteloot I, etal., Horm Metab Res. 2008 Apr;40(4):257-61.
5. Phylogenetic-based propagation of functional annotations within the Gene Ontology consortium. Gaudet P, etal., Brief Bioinform. 2011 Sep;12(5):449-62. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbr042. Epub 2011 Aug 27.
6. 11{beta}-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 in rat leydig cells: its role in blunting glucocorticoid action at physiological levels of substrate. Ge RS, etal., Endocrinology. 2005 Jun;146(6):2657-64. Epub 2005 Mar 10.
7. Stimulation of testosterone production in rat Leydig cells by aldosterone is mineralocorticoid receptor mediated. Ge RS, etal., Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2005 Nov 24;243(1-2):35-42. Epub 2005 Sep 26.
8. Phox2b expression in the aldosterone-sensitive HSD2 neurons of the NTS. Geerling JC, etal., Brain Res. 2008 Aug 21;1226:82-8. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2008.05.072. Epub 2008 Jun 7.
9. Rat ISS GO annotations from GOA human gene data--August 2006 GOA data from the GO Consortium
10. Expression and functional state of the corticosteroid receptors and 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in Schwann cells. Groyer G, etal., Endocrinology. 2006 Sep;147(9):4339-50. Epub 2006 Jun 8.
11. Altered activity of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase types 1 and 2 in skeletal muscle confers metabolic protection in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Jang C, etal., J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Aug;92(8):3314-20. Epub 2007 May 22.
12. KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes KEGG
13. Adipocyte-specific glucocorticoid inactivation protects against diet-induced obesity. Kershaw EE, etal., Diabetes. 2005 Apr;54(4):1023-31.
14. Chronic intermittent hypoxia induces 11{beta}-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in rat heart. Klusonova P, etal., Endocrinology. 2009 May 21.
15. Prenatal alcohol exposure and prenatal stress differentially alter glucocorticoid signaling in the placenta and fetal brain. Lan N, etal., Neuroscience. 2017 Feb 7;342:167-179. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.08.058. Epub 2015 Sep 2.
16. Association studies between the HSD11B2 gene (encoding human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2), type 1 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy. Lavery GG, etal., Eur J Endocrinol. 2002 Apr;146(4):553-8.
17. Molecular basis for hypertension in the "type II variant" of apparent mineralocorticoid excess. Li A, etal., Am J Hum Genet. 1998 Aug;63(2):370-9.
18. Altered expression of epithelial sodium channel in rats with bilateral or unilateral ureteral obstruction. Li C, etal., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2007 Jul;293(1):F333-41. Epub 2007 May 2.
19. Gene expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and type 2 in the kidneys of insulin-dependent diabetic rats. Liu YJ, etal., Hypertension. 1998 Mar;31(3):885-9.
20. Effects of spironolactone on systolic blood pressure in experimental diabetic rats. Liu YJ, etal., Kidney Int. 2000 May;57(5):2064-71.
21. Prenatal stress reduces postnatal neurogenesis in rats selectively bred for high, but not low, anxiety: possible key role of placental 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2. Lucassen PJ, etal., Eur J Neurosci. 2009 Jan;29(1):97-103. Epub 2008 Nov 21.
22. Rat ISS GO annotations from MGI mouse gene data--August 2006 MGD data from the GO Consortium
23. 11-Beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 expression in white adipose tissue is strongly correlated with adiposity. Milagro FI, etal., J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2007 Apr;104(1-2):81-4. Epub 2007 Jan 8.
24. Mineralocorticoid Excess or Glucocorticoid Insufficiency: Renal and Metabolic Phenotypes in a Rat Hsd11b2 Knockout Model. Mullins LJ, etal., Hypertension. 2015 Sep;66(3):667-73. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.115.05262. Epub 2015 Jun 15.
25. Electronic Transfer of LocusLink and RefSeq Data NCBI rat LocusLink and RefSeq merged data July 26, 2002
26. OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline OMIM Disease Annotation Pipeline
27. Effect of cellular differentiation on 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in the intestine. Pacha J, etal., Steroids 2002 Feb;67(2):119-26.
28. KEGG Annotation Import Pipeline Pipeline to import KEGG annotations from KEGG into RGD
29. SMPDB Annotation Import Pipeline Pipeline to import SMPDB annotations from SMPDB into RGD
30. Exaggerated adrenarche and altered cortisol metabolism in Type 1 diabetic children. Remer T, etal., Steroids. 2006 Jul;71(7):591-8. Epub 2006 Apr 17.
31. GOA pipeline RGD automated data pipeline
32. ClinVar Automated Import and Annotation Pipeline RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations
33. Data Import for Chemical-Gene Interactions RGD automated import pipeline for gene-chemical interactions
34. 11Beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 transforms 11-dehydrocorticosterone into transcriptionally active glucocorticoid in neonatal rat heart. Sheppard KE and Autelitano DJ, Endocrinology 2002 Jan;143(1):198-204.
35. Spironolactone modulates expressions of cardiac mineralocorticoid receptor and 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 and prevents ventricular remodeling in post-infarct rat hearts. Takeda M, etal., Hypertens Res. 2007 May;30(5):427-37.
36. Dexamethasone and betamethasone administration during pregnancy affects expression and function of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in the rat placenta. Vackova Z, etal., Reprod Toxicol. 2009 Jul;28(1):46-51. Epub 2009 Feb 24.
37. Reciprocal changes in maternal and fetal metabolism of corticosterone in rat during gestation. Vagnerova K, etal., Reprod Sci. 2008 Nov;15(9):921-31.
38. Interactions between 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and COX-2 in kidney. Yao B, etal., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Jun;288(6):R1767-73. Epub 2005 Feb 17.
39. Cloning, expression, and tissue distribution of the rat nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Zhou MY, etal., Endocrinology 1995 Sep;136(9):3729-34.
Additional References at PubMed
PMID:12477932   PMID:12700160   PMID:12810566   PMID:12842861   PMID:12943733   PMID:12943734   PMID:15156570   PMID:15489334   PMID:15489962   PMID:15614284   PMID:15862976   PMID:16189294  
PMID:16192424   PMID:16272800   PMID:16320254   PMID:16407537   PMID:17213730   PMID:17663450   PMID:17881205   PMID:18165178   PMID:18716005   PMID:19150652   PMID:19208548   PMID:19409113  
PMID:19995715   PMID:20566573   PMID:21237268   PMID:21406963   PMID:21825133   PMID:22739210   PMID:23677469   PMID:24961461   PMID:24980668   PMID:25229964   PMID:26403275   PMID:26798634  
PMID:28320863   PMID:32978833  


Comparative Map Data
(Rattus norvegicus - Norway rat)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81950,307,569 - 50,312,812 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21933,397,656 - 33,402,899 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1933,397,656 - 33,402,899 (+)EnsemblmRatBN7.2 Ensembl
UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx1940,213,241 - 40,218,484 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRUTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx
UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.01940,866,577 - 40,871,820 (+)NCBIRnor_SHRSPUTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0
UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.01943,164,244 - 43,169,492 (+)NCBIRnor_WKYUTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0
Rnor_6.01937,476,083 - 37,481,326 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1937,476,095 - 37,481,307 (+)EnsemblRnor6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Rnor_5.01948,341,841 - 48,347,084 (+)NCBIRnor5.0Rnor_5.0rn5Rnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41935,336,342 - 35,341,585 (+)NCBIRGSC3.4RGSC_v3.4rn4RGSC3.4
RGSC_v3.11935,341,222 - 35,346,466 (+)NCBI
Celera1932,826,007 - 32,831,250 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map19q12NCBI
(Homo sapiens - human)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCh381667,429,801 - 67,437,553 (+)NCBIGRCh38GRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh38.p14 Ensembl1667,430,652 - 67,437,553 (+)EnsemblGRCh38hg38GRCh38
GRCh371667,465,024 - 67,471,456 (+)NCBIGRCh37GRCh37hg19GRCh37
Build 361666,022,537 - 66,028,957 (+)NCBINCBI36Build 36hg18NCBI36
Build 341666,022,536 - 66,028,953NCBI
Celera1651,973,237 - 51,979,660 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map16q22.1NCBI
HuRef1653,338,306 - 53,344,605 (+)NCBIHuRef
CHM1_11668,872,417 - 68,878,837 (+)NCBICHM1_1
T2T-CHM13v2.01673,225,897 - 73,232,329 (+)NCBIT2T-CHM13v2.0
(Mus musculus - house mouse)
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm398106,245,378 - 106,250,620 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
GRCm39 Ensembl8106,245,387 - 106,250,620 (+)EnsemblGRCm39 Ensembl
GRCm388105,518,746 - 105,523,988 (+)NCBIGRCm38GRCm38mm10GRCm38
GRCm38.p6 Ensembl8105,518,755 - 105,523,988 (+)EnsemblGRCm38mm10GRCm38
MGSCv378108,042,646 - 108,047,888 (+)NCBIGRCm37MGSCv37mm9NCBIm37
MGSCv368108,407,983 - 108,412,647 (+)NCBIMGSCv36mm8
Celera8109,741,823 - 109,747,238 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map8D3NCBI
cM Map853.04NCBI
(Chinchilla lanigera - long-tailed chinchilla)
Chinchilla AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChiLan1.0 EnsemblNW_0049554849,206,681 - 9,212,356 (-)EnsemblChiLan1.0
ChiLan1.0NW_0049554849,206,681 - 9,212,356 (-)NCBIChiLan1.0ChiLan1.0
(Pan paniscus - bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee)
Bonobo AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
NHGRI_mPanPan1-v21876,960,361 - 76,967,114 (+)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1-v2
NHGRI_mPanPan11682,873,017 - 82,880,656 (+)NCBINHGRI_mPanPan1
Mhudiblu_PPA_v01647,776,118 - 47,782,861 (+)NCBIMhudiblu_PPA_v0Mhudiblu_PPA_v0panPan3
PanPan1.11667,150,354 - 67,171,417 (+)NCBIpanpan1.1PanPan1.1panPan2
PanPan1.1 Ensembl1667,165,215 - 67,171,417 (+)Ensemblpanpan1.1panPan2
(Canis lupus familiaris - dog)
Dog AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
CanFam3.1581,966,397 - 81,970,301 (-)NCBICanFam3.1CanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
CanFam3.1 Ensembl581,966,937 - 81,968,991 (-)EnsemblCanFam3.1canFam3CanFam3.1
Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha581,956,062 - 81,961,586 (-)NCBIDog10K_Boxer_Tasha
ROS_Cfam_1.0582,401,695 - 82,407,218 (-)NCBIROS_Cfam_1.0
ROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl582,402,235 - 82,407,218 (-)EnsemblROS_Cfam_1.0 Ensembl
UMICH_Zoey_3.1582,227,839 - 82,233,361 (-)NCBIUMICH_Zoey_3.1
UNSW_CanFamBas_1.0581,908,941 - 81,914,465 (-)NCBIUNSW_CanFamBas_1.0
UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0582,552,387 - 82,557,914 (-)NCBIUU_Cfam_GSD_1.0
(Ictidomys tridecemlineatus - thirteen-lined ground squirrel)
Squirrel AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HiC_Itri_2NW_02440934941,700,829 - 41,706,486 (-)NCBIHiC_Itri_2
SpeTri2.0 EnsemblNW_00493647517,882,575 - 17,887,748 (+)EnsemblSpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0 Ensembl
SpeTri2.0NW_00493647517,882,663 - 17,888,708 (+)NCBISpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0SpeTri2.0
(Sus scrofa - pig)
Pig AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
Sscrofa11.1 Ensembl628,083,955 - 28,089,671 (+)EnsemblSscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa11.1628,084,087 - 28,089,256 (+)NCBISscrofa11.1Sscrofa11.1susScr11Sscrofa11.1
Sscrofa10.2625,351,178 - 25,356,346 (+)NCBISscrofa10.2Sscrofa10.2susScr3
(Chlorocebus sabaeus - green monkey)
Green Monkey AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
ChlSab1.1560,017,967 - 60,040,959 (-)NCBIChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1chlSab2
ChlSab1.1 Ensembl560,019,434 - 60,025,353 (-)EnsemblChlSab1.1ChlSab1.1 EnsemblchlSab2
Vero_WHO_p1.0NW_02366604722,768,265 - 22,774,736 (-)NCBIVero_WHO_p1.0Vero_WHO_p1.0
(Heterocephalus glaber - naked mole-rat)
Naked Mole-Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
HetGla_female_1.0 EnsemblNW_00462474618,883,353 - 18,889,402 (-)EnsemblHetGla_female_1.0HetGla_female_1.0 EnsemblhetGla2
HetGla 1.0NW_00462474618,883,587 - 18,889,205 (-)NCBIHetGla_female_1.0HetGla 1.0hetGla2


Variants in Hsd11b2
4 total Variants
miRNA Target Status

Predicted Target Of
Summary Value
Count of predictions:237
Count of miRNA genes:163
Interacting mature miRNAs:183
Prediction methods:Microtar, Miranda, Rnahybrid, Targetscan
Result types:miRGate_prediction

The detailed report is available here: Full Report CSV TAB Printer

miRNA Target Status data imported from miRGate (http://mirgate.bioinfo.cnio.es/).
For more information about miRGate, see PMID:25858286 or access the full paper here.

QTLs in Region (GRCr8)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
61447Tcas1Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 16.08tongue integrity trait (VT:0010553)squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue maximum tumor diameter (CMO:0001875)19231612147316121Rat
9590298Uminl5Urine mineral level QTL 53.590.001urine mineral amount (VT:0015086)urine electrolyte level (CMO:0000593)19136824771Rat
724546Kidm3Kidney mass QTL 33.1kidney mass (VT:0002707)calculated kidney weight (CMO:0000160)192932249057337602Rat
1331737Uae29Urinary albumin excretion QTL 295.5urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin level (CMO:0000130)19409615555283277Rat
2298478Eau8Experimental allergic uveoretinitis QTL 80.0163uvea integrity trait (VT:0010551)experimental autoimmune uveitis score (CMO:0001504)191715443357337602Rat
1578764Stresp19Stress response QTL 193.60.001blood renin amount (VT:0003349)plasma renin activity level (CMO:0000116)191563020157337602Rat
1558656Prcs1Prostate cancer susceptibility QTL 15prostate integrity trait (VT:0010571)percentage of study population developing ventral prostate tumorous lesions during a period of time (CMO:0000943)191511459834521833Rat
9590090Insglur8Insulin/glucose ratio QTL 810.810.001blood insulin amount (VT:0001560)calculated plasma insulin level (CMO:0002170)19136824771Rat
1331788Rf45Renal function QTL 452.818kidney blood vessel physiology trait (VT:0100012)absolute change in renal blood flow rate (CMO:0001168)191560502346559041Rat
1549835Tcas7Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 70.001tongue integrity trait (VT:0010553)squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck tumor number (CMO:0001876)192481797839654489Rat
724566Uae12Urinary albumin excretion QTL 125urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin level (CMO:0000130)19218792756457239Rat
1354633Bw28Body weight QTL 286.04body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)192753020737947399Rat
724565Tcas5Tongue tumor susceptibility QTL 510.04tongue integrity trait (VT:0010553)number of squamous cell tumors of the tongue with diameter greater than 3 mm (CMO:0001950)19997775339654489Rat
8552935Pigfal10Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 105.7blood insulin-like growth factor amount (VT:0010479)plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level (CMO:0001299)19136824771Rat
61350Bp32Blood pressure QTL 320.012arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)192048357557337602Rat
7411549Bw130Body weight QTL 13050.001body mass (VT:0001259)body weight gain (CMO:0000420)191545586057337602Rat
724518Uae19Urinary albumin excretion QTL 195.5urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin excretion rate (CMO:0000757)19745724942983518Rat
8694186Bw152Body weight QTL 1523.340.001body mass (VT:0001259)body weight gain (CMO:0000420)1956937445569374Rat
61423Cia14Collagen induced arthritis QTL 143joint integrity trait (VT:0010548)joint inflammation composite score (CMO:0000919)191082797043544039Rat
9590250Scort11Serum corticosterone level QTL 1123.450.001blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345)plasma corticosterone level (CMO:0001173)19136824771Rat
2317848Alcrsp21Alcohol response QTL 211.8999999761581420.05response to alcohol trait (VT:0010489)duration of loss of righting reflex (CMO:0002289)19320477748204777Rat
1354607Gmadr1Adrenal mass QTL 15.83adrenal gland mass (VT:0010420)both adrenal glands wet weight (CMO:0000164)192753020737947399Rat
9589102Slep13Serum leptin concentration QTL 134.630.001blood leptin amount (VT:0005667)plasma leptin level (CMO:0000781)1956937445569374Rat
7247442Uae39Urinary albumin excretion QTL 39urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin excretion rate (CMO:0000757)19218792746708701Rat
1354600Salc2Saline consumption QTL 29.910.001drinking behavior trait (VT:0001422)saline drink intake rate (CMO:0001627)192753020737947399Rat

Markers in Region
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
mRatBN7.21933,402,672 - 33,402,842 (+)MAPPERmRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01937,481,100 - 37,481,269NCBIRnor6.0
Rnor_5.01948,346,858 - 48,347,027UniSTSRnor5.0
RGSC_v3.41935,341,359 - 35,341,528UniSTSRGSC3.4
Celera1932,831,024 - 32,831,193UniSTS
RH 3.4 Map19332.3UniSTS
Cytogenetic Map19q11-q12UniSTS

Genetic Models
This gene Hsd11b2 is modified in the following models/strains:


RNA-SEQ Expression

alimentary part of gastrointestinal system
circulatory system
endocrine system
exocrine system
hemolymphoid system
hepatobiliary system
integumental system
nervous system
renal system
reproductive system
respiratory system
9 11 48 111 91 90 59 25 59 6 217 96 91 45 60 31


Nucleotide Sequences
RefSeq Transcripts NM_017081 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  XM_006255445 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
GenBank Nucleotide AC116220 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  AY960975 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  BC087023 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  CH473972 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  JAXUCZ010000019 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277530 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277531 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277532 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277533 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277534 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277535 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277536 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277537 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  KT277538 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
  U22424 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles

Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000023130   ⟹   ENSRNOP00000023130
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
mRatBN7.2 Ensembl1933,397,656 - 33,402,899 (+)Ensembl
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1937,476,096 - 37,481,307 (+)Ensembl
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000092794   ⟹   ENSRNOP00000075970
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1937,476,095 - 37,481,307 (+)Ensembl
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOT00000093093
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
Rnor_6.0 Ensembl1937,479,089 - 37,479,923 (+)Ensembl
RefSeq Acc Id: NM_017081   ⟹   NP_058777
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCr81950,307,569 - 50,312,812 (+)NCBI
mRatBN7.21933,397,656 - 33,402,899 (+)NCBI
Rnor_6.01937,476,083 - 37,481,326 (+)NCBI
Rnor_5.01948,341,841 - 48,347,084 (+)NCBI
RGSC_v3.41935,336,342 - 35,341,585 (+)RGD
Celera1932,826,007 - 32,831,250 (+)RGD
Protein Sequences
Protein RefSeqs NP_058777 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
GenBank Protein AAA87007 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
  AAH87023 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
  AAX45243 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
  EDL92380 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
Ensembl Protein ENSRNOP00000023130.1
GenBank Protein P50233 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer  
RefSeq Acc Id: NP_058777   ⟸   NM_017081
- UniProtKB: P50233 (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot),   A6IYQ2 (UniProtKB/TrEMBL)
- Sequence:
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOP00000075970   ⟸   ENSRNOT00000092794
Ensembl Acc Id: ENSRNOP00000023130   ⟸   ENSRNOT00000023130

Protein Structures
Name Modeler Protein Id AA Range Protein Structure
AF-P50233-F1-model_v2 AlphaFold P50233 1-400 view protein structure


eQTL   View at Phenogen
WGCNA   View at Phenogen
Tissue/Strain Expression   View at Phenogen

RGD ID:13701082
Promoter ID:EPDNEW_R11602
Type:single initiation site
Description:hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2
SO ACC ID:SO:0000170
Source:EPDNEW (Eukaryotic Promoter Database, http://epd.vital-it.ch/)
Experiment Methods:Single-end sequencing.
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
Rnor_6.01937,476,084 - 37,476,144EPDNEW

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
AGR Gene RGD:2835 AgrOrtholog
BioCyc Gene G2FUF-5826 BioCyc
BioCyc Pathway PWY-8202 [11-oxyandrogens biosynthesis] BioCyc
BioCyc Pathway Image PWY-8202 BioCyc
Ensembl Genes ENSRNOG00000017084 Ensembl, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
Ensembl Transcript ENSRNOT00000023130.4 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
Gene3D-CATH NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-like Domain UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
InterPro NAD(P)-bd_dom_sf UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  Sc_DH/Rdtase_CS UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
  SDR_fam UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
KEGG Report rno:25117 UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
Pfam adh_short UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL
PhenoGen Hsd11b2 PhenoGen
RatGTEx ENSRNOG00000017084 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00055018967 RatGTEx
  ENSRNOG00060012933 RatGTEx
Superfamily-SCOP NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains UniProtKB/TrEMBL, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2003-04-09 Hsd11b2  hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2    Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 11 beta type 2  Name updated 629478 APPROVED
2002-06-10 Hsd11b2  Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 11 beta type 2      Symbol and Name status set to approved 70586 APPROVED

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
gene_disease deficiency of the human homolog leads to apparent mineralcorticoid excess syndrome, a type of childhood hypertension 728825
gene_expression expressed in placenta, kidney, pancreas, prostate, ovary, small intestine and colon 70436
gene_expression present in liver and epithelial cells isolated from ileum 70436
gene_expression not detected in cardiac cells 70436
gene_function converts endogenous glucocorticoids cortisterone and cortisol to inactive 11-ketometabolites, 11-dehydrocorticosterone and cortisone 70436
gene_process modulates glucocorticoid activity both at the level of the mineralocorticoid receptor and the glucocorticoid receptor 70436