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Gene: Taar4 (trace amine-associated receptor 4) Mus musculus
trace amine-associated receptor 4
MGI Page
Enables 2-phenylethylamine receptor activity and trace-amine receptor activity. Involved in behavioral fear response; chemosensory behavior; and sensory perception of chemical stimulus. Predicted to be active in plasma membrane. Is expressed in Grueneberg ganglion; nasal septum; and olfactory epithelium. Orthologous to human TAAR4P (trace amine associated receptor 4, pseudogene).
RefSeq Status:
Previously known as:
2-phenylethylamine receptor; Gm226; mTaar4; Ta2; taR-4; trace amine associated receptor 4; trace amine receptor 2; trace amine receptor 4
RGD Orthologs
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Latest Assembly:
GRCm39 - Mouse Genome Assembly GRCm39
Mouse Assembly Chr Position (strand) Source Genome Browsers JBrowse NCBI UCSC Ensembl GRCm39 10 23,836,392 - 23,837,435 (+) NCBI GRCm39 GRCm39 mm39 GRCm39 Ensembl 10 23,836,392 - 23,837,435 (+) Ensembl GRCm39 Ensembl GRCm38 10 23,960,494 - 23,961,537 (+) NCBI GRCm38 GRCm38 mm10 GRCm38 GRCm38.p6 Ensembl 10 23,960,494 - 23,961,537 (+) Ensembl GRCm38 mm10 GRCm38 MGSCv37 10 23,680,300 - 23,681,343 (+) NCBI GRCm37 MGSCv37 mm9 NCBIm37 MGSCv36 10 23,649,910 - 23,650,953 (+) NCBI MGSCv36 mm8 Celera 10 24,893,868 - 24,894,911 (+) NCBI Celera Cytogenetic Map 10 A4 NCBI cM Map 10 11.4 NCBI
View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)
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Comparative Map Data
Taar4 (Mus musculus - house mouse)
Mouse Assembly Chr Position (strand) Source Genome Browsers JBrowse NCBI UCSC Ensembl GRCm39 10 23,836,392 - 23,837,435 (+) NCBI GRCm39 GRCm39 mm39 GRCm39 Ensembl 10 23,836,392 - 23,837,435 (+) Ensembl GRCm39 Ensembl GRCm38 10 23,960,494 - 23,961,537 (+) NCBI GRCm38 GRCm38 mm10 GRCm38 GRCm38.p6 Ensembl 10 23,960,494 - 23,961,537 (+) Ensembl GRCm38 mm10 GRCm38 MGSCv37 10 23,680,300 - 23,681,343 (+) NCBI GRCm37 MGSCv37 mm9 NCBIm37 MGSCv36 10 23,649,910 - 23,650,953 (+) NCBI MGSCv36 mm8 Celera 10 24,893,868 - 24,894,911 (+) NCBI Celera Cytogenetic Map 10 A4 NCBI cM Map 10 11.4 NCBI
TAAR4P (Homo sapiens - human)
Human Assembly Chr Position (strand) Source Genome Browsers JBrowse NCBI UCSC Ensembl GRCh38 6 132,594,389 - 132,595,439 (-) NCBI GRCh38 GRCh38 hg38 GRCh38 GRCh38.p14 Ensembl 6 132,594,398 - 132,595,436 (-) Ensembl GRCh38 hg38 GRCh38 GRCh37 6 132,915,528 - 132,916,578 (-) NCBI GRCh37 GRCh37 hg19 GRCh37 Build 36 6 132,957,123 - 132,958,371 (-) NCBI NCBI36 Build 36 hg18 NCBI36 Celera 6 133,662,364 - 133,663,414 (-) NCBI Celera Cytogenetic Map 6 q23.2 NCBI HuRef 6 130,490,443 - 130,491,493 (-) NCBI HuRef CHM1_1 6 133,179,199 - 133,180,249 (-) NCBI CHM1_1 T2T-CHM13v2.0 6 133,789,357 - 133,790,407 (-) NCBI T2T-CHM13v2.0
QTLs in Region (GRCm39)
11532718 Sluc44f_m susceptibility to lung cancer 44f (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 11532717 Sluc44g_m susceptibility to lung cancer 44g (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 1300881 Sluc29_m susceptibility to lung cancer 29 (mouse) Not determined 10 1 26289265 Mouse 12879494 Facq1_m fear acquisition QTL 1 (mouse) 10 1 31279130 Mouse 39128215 Lwq17_m liver weight QTL 17 (mouse) 10 12704051 84079784 Mouse 1302160 Mbis2_m Mycobacterium bovis-induced systemic lupus erythematosus 2 (mouse) Not determined 10 20283185 56031223 Mouse 1300759 Geot_m geotaxia (mouse) Not determined 10 1 26289265 Mouse 1558865 Lith21_m lithogenic gene 21 (mouse) Not determined 10 8525003 42525126 Mouse 15039341 Nmrs28_m NAFLD-associated magnetic resonance shift 28 (mouse) 10 351001 34351001 Mouse 4141943 W6q6_m weight 6 weeks QTL 6 (mouse) Not determined 12704051 84079784 Mouse 1301659 Arrd2_m age-related retinal degeneration 2 (mouse) Not determined 10 20283185 26890391 Mouse 27226772 Tibl13_m tibia length 13, 10 week (mouse) 10 18875748 129635869 Mouse 1357656 Hrtq3_m heart weight QTL 3 (mouse) Not determined 10 12704051 84079784 Mouse 4142380 W3q11_m weight 3 weeks QTL 11 (mouse) Not determined 12704051 84079784 Mouse 1357825 Kidpq2_m kidney weight percentage QTL 2 (mouse) Not determined 10 12704051 84079784 Mouse 1300997 Eae15_m susceptibility to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis 15 (mouse) Not determined 10 4408154 38408276 Mouse 1301003 Lmblgq4_m limb length QTL 4 (mouse) Not determined 10 21591192 68091639 Mouse 1301386 Sysbp1_m systolic blood pressure 1 (mouse) Not determined 10 10108265 87401095 Mouse 11532725 Sluc44b_m susceptibility to lung cancer 44b (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 1301129 Alcp15_m alcohol preference locus 15 (mouse) Not determined 10 9890264 43890391 Mouse 10755518 Chol16_m cholesterol 16 (mouse) 10 18915043 52915043 Mouse 11532724 Sluc44c_m susceptibility to lung cancer 44c (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 1301448 Pas11_m pulmonary adenoma susceptibility 11 (mouse) Not determined 10 9890264 43890391 Mouse 11532723 Sluc44d_m susceptibility to lung cancer 44d (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 11532722 Sluc44e_m susceptibility to lung cancer 44e (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 11532721 Sluc44_m susceptibility to lung cancer 44 (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 1558857 Igan1_m IgA nephropathy 1 (mouse) Not determined 10 17718313 29704155 Mouse 11532720 Sluc44a_m susceptibility to lung cancer 44a (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 1302092 Ath11_m atherosclerosis 11 (mouse) Not determined 10 6151945 58693521 Mouse 1302067 Scc9_m colon tumor susceptibility 9 (mouse) Not determined 10 18259333 125575232 Mouse 1357813 Ath20_m atherosclerosis 20 (mouse) Not determined 10 3283185 37283334 Mouse 1300790 Pgia6_m proteoglycan induced arthritis 6 (mouse) Not determined 10 3810171 37810295 Mouse 1302133 Alcp16_m alcohol preference locus 16 (mouse) Not determined 10 9890264 43890391 Mouse 26884403 Cvht8_m cranial vault height 8, 16 week (mouse) 10 22875899 91035862 Mouse 26884394 Humsd3_m humerus midshaft diameter 3, 10 week (mouse) 10 22375899 51076096 Mouse 11533917 Mts2_m mammary tumor susceptibility 2 (mouse) 10 1 26289265 Mouse 1558757 Eae34_m experimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 34 (mouse) Not determined 10 21408154 114217230 Mouse 13208570 Bmiq9_m body mass index QTL 9 (mouse) 10 12875744 24875898 Mouse 1301796 Mop2_m morphine preference 2 (mouse) Not determined 10 9289119 29028424 Mouse 13208561 Wght8_m weight 8 (mouse) 10 4950000 43875996 Mouse 1357740 Obsty3_m obesity 3 (mouse) Not determined 10 8235478 116190980 Mouse 4141956 Egq7_m early growth QTL 7 (mouse) Not determined 12704051 84079784 Mouse 1357864 Scfpq1_m subcutaneous fat pad percentage QTL 1 (mouse) Not determined 10 12704051 84079784 Mouse 4142272 W10q5_m weight 10 weeks QTL 5 (mouse) Not determined 12704051 84079784 Mouse