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Expression Data Report for gene AP000688.2
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Cell lineSexAgeTissueValueUnitAssemblyReference
not specifiednot availablegallbladder2.0TPMGRCh3818182918
female2 yearsliver0.6TPMGRCh3818182919
malenot availableliver0.6TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.6TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver3.0TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.7TPMGRCh3821081540
malenot availableliver0.5TPMGRCh3821081540
femalenot availableliver0.5TPMGRCh3821081540
JHH-1not specifiednot availableliver2.0TPMGRCh3818183309
TGBC1TKBfemalenot availablegallbladder7.0TPMGRCh3818250103
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver0.5484TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.649TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver1.586TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.6727TPMGRCh3821081543
male50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.5057TPMGRCh3821081543
male60 - 69 yearsright lobe of liver0.6604TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.6212TPMGRCh3821081543
male40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver0.5466TPMGRCh3821081543
male20 - 29 yearsright lobe of liver2.024TPMGRCh3821081543
female40 - 49 yearsright lobe of liver1.289TPMGRCh3821081543
female50 - 59 yearsright lobe of liver0.6691TPMGRCh3821081543