Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction
is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving
additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object Symbol | Qualifier | Evidence | With | Reference | Source | Notes | Original Reference(s) | Hnf4a | | ISO | HNF4A (Homo sapiens) | 7240710 | OMIM | | | Hnf4a | | ISO | HNF4A (Homo sapiens) | 8554872 | ClinVar | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: FRTS4 WITH MODY | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Fanconi renotubular syndrome 4 with maturity-onset diabetes of the young | PMID:10227563 PMID:12627330 PMID:15123688 PMID:15826954 PMID:17563455 PMID:18268044 PMID:18356407 PMID:20164212 PMID:21105491 PMID:21683639 PMID:22802087 PMID:23227446 PMID:23247789 PMID:23348805 PMID:23485969 PMID:23771925 PMID:24097065 PMID:24285859 PMID:25741868 PMID:25819479 PMID:25905084 PMID:26059258 PMID:26467025 PMID:27245055 PMID:27884173 PMID:28458902 PMID:28492532 PMID:28693455 PMID:28844315 PMID:29355436 PMID:30005691 PMID:30191603 PMID:30977832 PMID:31264968 PMID:31529154 PMID:31529156 PMID:31595705 PMID:31875549 PMID:32418360 PMID:32583173 PMID:33846082 PMID:34373539 PMID:35052457 PMID:35118593 PMID:35256061 PMID:36208030 PMID:36257325 | |
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