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RGD ID: 1305332
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Mdm2
Name: MDM2 proto-oncogene
Acc ID: CHEBI:28748
Term: doxorubicin
Definition: An anthracycline antibiotic that has formula C27H29NO11.
Chemical ID: MESH:D004317
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Mdm2increases expressionEXP 6480464CTDDoxorubicin results in increased expression of MDM2 mRNAPMID:12187937 PMID:27255381 PMID:34713381
Mdm2affects expressionISOMDM2 (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDDoxorubicin affects the expression of MDM2 mRNAPMID:25529476 PMID:29803840
Mdm2affects expressionISOMdm2 (Mus musculus)6480464CTDDoxorubicin affects the expression of MDM2 mRNAPMID:29653124
Mdm2decreases response to substanceISOMDM2 (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDMDM2 protein results in decreased susceptibility to DoxorubicinPMID:26317544
Mdm2increases expressionISOMDM2 (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDDoxorubicin results in increased expression of MDM2 mRNA; Doxorubicin results in increased expression of MDM2 proteinPMID:14665630 PMID:17653088 PMID:17959036 PMID:19074854 PMID:19560264 PMID:26317544
Mdm2increases expressionISOMdm2 (Mus musculus)6480464CTDDoxorubicin results in increased expression of MDM2 mRNAPMID:14766674 PMID:16949053 PMID:34713381
Mdm2increases phosphorylationISOMDM2 (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDDoxorubicin results in increased phosphorylation of MDM2 proteinPMID:17935137
Mdm2multiple interactionsISOMDM2 (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDDoxorubicin inhibits the reaction [TP53 protein binds to MDM2 protein]; Doxorubicin results in increased activity of and results in increased expression of MDM2 protein; IFNA1 protein promotes the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of MDM2 protein]; MDM2 protein inhibits the reaction [HIPK2 protein promotes the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of TP53 protein]]; MDM2 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltous chloride inhibits the reaction [HIPK2 protein promotes the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of TP53 protein]]]; nutlin 3 promotes the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased activity of and results in increased expression of MDM2 protein]; SETD7 mutant form promotes the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of MDM2 mRNA]; SETD7 mutant form promotes the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of MDM2 protein]; TP53 affects the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased activity of and results in increased expression of MDM2 protein]; TP53 affects the reaction [nutlin 3 promotes the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased activity of and results in increased expression of MDM2 protein]]; wortmannin promotes the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased phosphorylation of MDM2 protein]PMID:17935137 PMID:17959036 PMID:19351845 PMID:19714248 PMID:21624110 PMID:26317544
Mdm2multiple interactionsISOMdm2 (Mus musculus)6480464CTDpifithrin inhibits the reaction [Doxorubicin results in increased expression of MDM2 mRNA]PMID:14766674
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