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RGD ID: 12330988
Species: Canis lupus familiaris
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: PRKDC
Name: protein kinase, DNA-activated, catalytic subunit
Acc ID: GO:0005634
Term: nucleus
Definition: A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent.
Definition Source(s): GOC:go_curators
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
PRKDClocated_inIEAUniProtKB:P78527 or ensembl:ENSP00000313420150520179Ensembl GO_REF:0000107
PRKDCis_active_inIBAFB:FBgn0045035 or FB:FBgn0053554 or MGI:104779 or MGI:107202 or MGI:108028 or MGI:1928394 or PANTHER:PTN000124197 or PomBase:SPAC1F5.11c or PomBase:SPBC216.05 or PomBase:SPBC216.07c or SGD:S000000184 or SGD:S000000340 or SGD:S000001141 or SGD:S000003827 or TAIR:locus:2031090 or TAIR:locus:2060933 or TAIR:locus:504955359 or UniProtKB:P42345 or UniProtKB:P78527 or UniProtKB:Q13315 or UniProtKB:Q13535 or UniProtKB:Q586K5 or UniProtKB:Q96Q15 or UniProtKB:Q9Y4A5 or WB:WBGene00000226 or WB:WBGene00007028 or dictyBase:DDB_G0281569150520179GO_Central GO_REF:0000033
PRKDClocated_inIEAInterPro:IPR012582150520179InterPro GO_REF:0000002
PRKDClocated_inIEAUniProtKB-KW:KW-0539150520179UniProt GO_REF:0000043
PRKDClocated_inIEAUniProtKB-SubCell:SL-0191150520179UniProt GO_REF:0000044
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