Phenominer Database Results (155 results)


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Strain Phenotype Conditions Study Experiment Name Sex Age # of Animals Formula Value Units SEM SD Method Method Site Method Duration Post Insult Type Post Insult Time Value Post Insult Time Unit Method Notes Clinical Measurement Notes Experiment Notes Record ID Study ID
BDIX/CrCrl hematocrit arterial catheter implantation (for 1 days) then controlled hemorrhage (for 0.4 hours) Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. erythrocyte quantity male 89 days-95 days 10 31.4 % 2.4 7.59 microhematocrit tube assay with visual assessment 0.0 0 initial hematocrit, final hematocrit, change in hematocrit 107263 3077
BDIX/CrCrl mean platelet volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 56 days 20 5.8 fl 0.02 0.1 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 um^3 107820 3097
BDIX/CrCrl total white blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. leukocyte quantity male 56 days 20 10.7 x 1000 cells/ul 0.02 0.1 automated total white blood cell count test 0.0 0 WBC 107825 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean platelet volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 92 days 10 5.8 fl 0.03 0.1 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107824 3097
BDIX/CrCrl total white blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. leukocyte quantity male 92 days 10 8.5 x 1000 cells/ul 0.0 0.0 automated total white blood cell count test 0.0 0 WBC 107829 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood hemoglobin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 92 days 10 18.9 g/dl 0.47 1.5 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107833 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 92 days 10 17.0 % 0.22 0.7 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107849 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 56 days 20 6.8 % 0.02 0.1 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107850 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum total cholesterol level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood cholesterol amount male 92 days 10 48.0 mg/dl 0.0 0.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum total cholesterol 107895 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 92 days 10 6.1 % 0.09 0.3 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107854 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 92 days 10 8.0 % 0.09 0.3 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107853 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 71 days 10 11.0 x 10E6 cells/ul 0.41 1.3 automated blood cell counting method 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107801 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 71 days 10 11.0 x 10E6 cells/ul 0.09 0.3 automated blood cell counting method 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107802 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 56 days 20 47.1 fl 0.02 0.1 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107805 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 71 days 10 47.8 fl 0.25 0.8 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107807 3097
BDIX/CrCrl hematocrit DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 71 days 10 52.3 % 0.95 3.0 hematocrit analysis 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107811 3097
BDIX/CrCrl hematocrit DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 71 days 10 52.7 % 0.7 2.2 hematocrit analysis 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107812 3097
BDIX/CrCrl hematocrit DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 92 days 10 44.0 % 0.98 3.1 hematocrit analysis 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107814 3097
BDIX/CrCrl duration of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure anal sphincter myotomy Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 4 26.43 s 2.91 5.81 anorectal manometry anus 1800.0 0 111015 3194
BDIX/CrCrl serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood aspartate transaminase amount male 71 days 10 139.0 U/l 2.59 8.2 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum aspartate aminotransferase 107902 3097
BDIX/CrCrl frequency of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure control condition Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 36 1.7 /min 0.1 0.58 anorectal manometry anus 720.0 0 111007 3194
BDIX/CrCrl volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio arterial catheter implantation (for 1 days) then controlled hemorrhage (for 0.4 hours) Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. blood amount male 89 days-95 days 10 5.83 mL/100 g of body weight 56.9 % 0.3 0.95 body weighing method 0 volume of blood removed to total prehemorrhagic blood volume ratio (CMO:0003663) 109137 3077
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 71 days 10 65.5 x 1000 cells/ul 0.38 1.2 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107862 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 71 days 10 62.8 x 1000 cells/ul 0.32 1.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107861 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 71 days 10 8.7 x 1000 cells/ul 0.25 0.8 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107867 3097
BDIX/CrCrl number of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure during a specified time anal sphincter myotomy Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 36 0.05 /12 min 0.25 1.5 anorectal manometry anus 720.0 0 111013 3194
BDIX/CrCrl metastatic lung tumor area measurement DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) and taurolidine (2 %) (for 7 days) then control condition (for 14 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 5 3290368.2 um2 ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis size, um^2 lung metastasis %, number, and size 107110 3076
BDIX/CrCrl serum amylase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood amylase amount male 71 days 10 3089.0 U/l 38.58 122.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum amylase 107945 3097
BDIX/CrCrl hematocrit arterial catheter implantation (for 1 days) then controlled hemorrhage (for 0 hours) Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. erythrocyte quantity male 89 days-95 days 10 43.2 % 0.8 2.53 microhematocrit tube assay with visual assessment 0.0 0 initial hematocrit, final hematocrit, change in hematocrit 107247 3077
BDIX/CrCrl total white blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. leukocyte quantity male 71 days 10 12.4 x 1000 cells/ul 0.22 0.7 automated total white blood cell count test 0.0 0 WBC 107827 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood hemoglobin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 92 days 10 16.6 g/dl 0.32 1.0 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107834 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood hemoglobin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 71 days 10 20.1 g/dl 0.28 0.9 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107832 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 71 days 10 18.3 pg 0.13 0.4 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107837 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 71 days 10 38.0 g/dl 0.13 0.4 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107841 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 71 days 10 16.9 % 0.16 0.5 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107847 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 92 days 10 17.7 % 0.13 0.4 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107848 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 71 days 10 8.0 % 0.13 0.4 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107852 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum triglyceride level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 ml/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood triglyceride amount male 92 days 10 252.0 mg/dl 10.21 32.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum triglyceride level 107900 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum triglyceride level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood triglyceride amount male 92 days 10 249.0 mg/dl 6.96 22.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum triglyceride level 107899 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 92 days 10 8.6 fl 0.03 0.1 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107884 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum urea nitrogen level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood urea nitrogen amount male 71 days 10 35.0 mg/dl 0.57 1.8 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum BUN 107887 3097
BDIX/CrCrl hematocrit DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 56 days 20 47.6 % 0.02 0.1 hematocrit analysis 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107810 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 92 days 10 10.7 x 10E6 cells/ul 0.25 0.8 automated blood cell counting method 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107803 3097
BDIX/CrCrl time to peak anorectal sphincter contraction anal sphincter myotomy Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 4 9.06 s 2.13 4.25 anorectal manometry anus 1800.0 0 111016 3194
BDIX/CrCrl range of pressure generated by anorectal contractions control condition Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 36 25.95 mmHg 2.76 16.59 anorectal manometry anus 1800.0 0 111011 3194
BDIX/CrCrl number of peaks in pressure per anorectal sphincter contraction anal sphincter myotomy Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 4 7.5 /contraction 1.24 2.48 anorectal manometry anus 1800.0 0 111017 3194
BDIX/CrCrl serum total bilirubin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood bilirubin amount male 92 days 10 0.35 mg/dl 0.16 0.5 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum bilirubin 107926 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum lactate dehydrogenase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood lactate dehydrogenase amount male 71 days 10 682.0 U/l 31.94 101.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 107930 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum triglyceride level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood triglyceride amount male 71 days 10 265.0 mg/dl 8.22 26.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum triglyceride level 107897 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood aspartate transaminase amount male 92 days 10 193.0 U/l 8.22 26.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum aspartate aminotransferase 107904 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum amylase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood amylase amount male 92 days 10 3190.0 U/l 77.16 244.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum amylase 107946 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 56 days 20 1.1 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107855 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 71 days 10 1.2 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107856 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 92 days 10 72.0 x 1000 cells/ul 1.36 4.3 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107864 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width (percentage) DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 92 days 10 8.5 % 0.0 0.0 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 108148 3097
BDIX/CrCrl frequency of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure anal sphincter myotomy Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 36 0.04 /min 0.02 0.13 anorectal manometry anus 720.0 0 111014 3194
BDIX/CrCrl serum triglyceride level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood triglyceride amount male 56 days 20 248.0 mg/dl 5.59 25.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum triglyceride level 107896 3097
BDIX/CrCrl percentage of study population displaying metastatic tumors in the lung at a point in time DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) and taurolidine (2 %) (for 7 days) then control condition (for 14 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 5 60.0 % ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis % lung metastasis %, number, and size 107100 3076
BDIX/CrCrl metastatic lung tumor number DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) and taurolidine (2 %) (for 7 days) then control condition (for 14 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 5 18.2 null ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis number lung metastasis %, number, and size 107105 3076
BDIX/CrCrl serum alkaline phosphatase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alkaline phosphatase amount male 92 days 10 596.0 U/l 2.91 9.2 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alkaline phosphatase 107915 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum alanine aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alanine transaminase amount male 92 days 10 52.0 U/l 3.07 9.7 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alanine aminotransferase 107910 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum total bilirubin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood bilirubin amount male 71 days 10 0.3 mg/dl 0.0 0.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum bilirubin 107925 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet quantity male 56 days 20 605.0 x 1000 /ul 11.18 50.0 automated platelet count test 0.0 0 platelet, plateletcrit 107815 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean platelet volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 71 days 10 5.9 fl 0.03 0.1 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107821 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood hemoglobin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 71 days 10 19.9 g/dl 0.66 2.1 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107831 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 56 days 20 17.9 pg 0.02 0.1 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107835 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood hemoglobin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 56 days 20 18.1 g/dl 0.02 0.1 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107830 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 56 days 20 38.1 g/dl 0.02 0.1 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107840 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 92 days 10 17.7 pg 0.22 0.7 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107839 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 92 days 10 37.7 g/dl 0.51 1.6 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107844 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum total cholesterol level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood cholesterol amount male 71 days 10 60.0 mg/dl 2.21 7.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum total cholesterol 107892 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum alkaline phosphatase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alkaline phosphatase amount male 92 days 10 620.0 U/l 7.27 23.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alkaline phosphatase 107914 3097
BDIX/CrCrl water intake drink rate to body weight ratio arterial catheter implantation (for 1 days) Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. drinking behavior trait male 89 days-95 days 10 0.34 ml/d/kg 0.04 0.13 drink intake measuring method 0.0 arterial catheter implantation 1 days Water consumed (g) postsurgery per 100 g BW 107168 3077
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 92 days 10 8.6 fl 0.09 0.3 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107885 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum urea nitrogen level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood urea nitrogen amount male 92 days 10 34.5 mg/dl 0.41 1.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum BUN 107889 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum urea nitrogen level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood urea nitrogen amount male 71 days 10 41.0 mg/dl 0.73 2.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum BUN 107888 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 92 days 10 47.1 fl 0.25 0.8 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107809 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum total bilirubin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood bilirubin amount male 71 days 10 0.4 mg/dl 0.03 0.1 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum bilirubin 107924 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum total bilirubin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood bilirubin amount male 56 days 20 0.35 mg/dl 0.04 0.2 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum bilirubin 107923 3097
BDIX/CrCrl number of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure during a specified time control condition Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 36 19.49 /12 min 1.19 7.16 anorectal manometry anus 720.0 0 111006 3194
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 71 days 10 1.1 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107857 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 92 days 10 0.8 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107858 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 56 days 20 8.9 x 1000 cells/ul 0.02 0.1 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107865 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width (percentage) DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 92 days 10 5.2 % 0.0 0.0 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 108149 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum alkaline phosphatase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alkaline phosphatase amount male 71 days 10 476.0 U/l 1.58 5.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alkaline phosphatase 107912 3097
BDIX/CrCrl percentage of study population displaying metastatic tumors in the lung at a point in time DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) then taurolidine (2 %) (for 7 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 5 80.0 % ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis % lung metastasis %, number, and size 107101 3076
BDIX/CrCrl metastatic lung tumor area measurement DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 3 4.56379937E7 um2 ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis size, um^2 lung metastasis %, number, and size 107109 3076
BDIX/CrCrl metastatic lung tumor area measurement DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) then taurolidine (2 %) (for 7 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 5 3018460.8 um2 ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis size, um^2 lung metastasis %, number, and size 107111 3076
BDIX/CrCrl maximum body weight loss to initial body weight ratio arterial catheter implantation (for 1 days) Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. body mass male 89 days-95 days 10 3.1 % 0.6 1.9 body weighing method 0.0 arterial catheter implantation 1 days 107189 3077
BDIX/CrCrl serum total cholesterol level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood cholesterol amount male 56 days 20 48.0 mg/dl 0.18 0.8 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum total cholesterol 107891 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum alanine aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alanine transaminase amount male 92 days 10 44.8 U/l 2.94 9.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alanine aminotransferase 107909 3097
BDIX/CrCrl food intake weight to body weight ratio arterial catheter implantation (for 1 days) Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. eating behavior trait male 89 days-95 days 10 4.5 g/d/100g 0.3 0.95 food intake measuring method 0.0 arterial catheter implantation 1 days Food consumed (g) postsurgery per 100 g BW 107152 3077
BDIX/CrCrl platelet count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet quantity male 92 days 10 815.0 x 1000 /ul 2.53 8.0 automated platelet count test 0.0 0 platelet, plateletcrit 107818 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean platelet volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 71 days 10 5.8 fl 0.03 0.1 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107822 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 71 days 10 18.0 pg 0.06 0.2 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107836 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 71 days 10 38.2 g/dl 0.03 0.1 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107842 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 92 days 10 37.0 g/dl 0.19 0.6 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107843 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 56 days 20 16.4 % 0.02 0.1 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107845 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 71 days 10 8.1 % 0.25 0.8 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107851 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum triglyceride level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood triglyceride amount male 71 days 10 259.0 mg/dl 9.49 30.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum triglyceride level 107898 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood aspartate transaminase amount male 92 days 10 168.0 U/l 4.36 13.8 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum aspartate aminotransferase 107905 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum alanine aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alanine transaminase amount male 71 days 10 59.2 U/l 1.99 6.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alanine aminotransferase 107907 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum alanine aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alanine transaminase amount male 56 days 20 57.2 U/l 1.19 5.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alanine aminotransferase 107906 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum alanine aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 ml/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alanine transaminase amount male 71 days 10 53.4 U/l 2.62 8.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alanine aminotransferase 107908 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum alkaline phosphatase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alkaline phosphatase amount male 71 days 10 603.0 U/l 2.85 9.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alkaline phosphatase 107913 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum amylase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood amylase amount male 56 days 20 2996.0 U/l 20.57 92.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum amylase 107943 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum amylase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood amylase amount male 71 days 10 3096.0 U/l 32.26 102.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum amylase 107944 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 56 days 20 8.5 fl 0.07 0.3 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107881 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 71 days 10 8.7 fl 0.16 0.5 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107882 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum urea nitrogen level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood urea nitrogen amount male 56 days 20 36.0 mg/dl 0.38 1.7 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum BUN 107886 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 71 days 10 8.7 fl 0.06 0.2 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107883 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 71 days 10 47.5 fl 0.03 0.1 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107806 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 92 days 10 47.5 fl 0.19 0.6 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107808 3097
BDIX/CrCrl hematocrit DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 92 days 10 51.0 % 1.04 3.3 hematocrit analysis 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107813 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum lactate dehydrogenase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood lactate dehydrogenase amount male 71 days 10 964.0 U/l 31.31 99.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 107929 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum lactate dehydrogenase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood lactate dehydrogenase amount male 56 days 20 944.0 U/l 17.66 79.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 107928 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum lactate dehydrogenase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood lactate dehydrogenase amount male 92 days 10 2274.0 U/l 45.85 145.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 107932 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum lactate dehydrogenase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood lactate dehydrogenase amount male 92 days 10 2717.0 U/l 163.17 516.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 107931 3097
BDIX/CrCrl time to peak anorectal sphincter contraction control condition Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 36 8.88 s 0.49 2.93 anorectal manometry anus 1800.0 0 111009 3194
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 92 days 10 77.7 x 1000 cells/ul 0.63 2.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107863 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 71 days 10 8.7 x 1000 cells/ul 0.25 0.8 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107866 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 92 days 10 7.4 x 1000 cells/ul 0.09 0.3 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107869 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width (percentage) DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 71 days 10 5.2 % 0.0 0.0 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 108146 3097
BDIX/CrCrl range of pressure generated by anorectal contractions anal sphincter myotomy Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 4 12.2 mmHg 1.05 2.1 anorectal manometry anus 1800.0 0 111018 3194
BDIX/CrCrl serum alkaline phosphatase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood alkaline phosphatase amount male 56 days 20 486.0 U/l 0.67 3.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum alkaline phosphatase 107911 3097
BDIX/CrCrl percentage of study population displaying metastatic tumors in the lung at a point in time DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 3 100.0 % ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis %, number, and size 107099 3076
BDIX/CrCrl metastatic lung tumor number DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) then taurolidine (2 %) (for 7 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 5 28.2 null ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis number lung metastasis %, number, and size 107107 3076
BDIX/CrCrl serum total cholesterol level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood cholesterol amount male 71 days 10 64.0 mg/dl 1.87 5.9 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum total cholesterol 107893 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood aspartate transaminase amount male 56 days 20 112.0 U/l 1.86 8.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum aspartate aminotransferase 107901 3097
BDIX/CrCrl duration of contractions above 10 mmHg of anorectal pressure control condition Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 36 26.67 s 1.11 6.67 anorectal manometry anus 1800.0 0 111008 3194
BDIX/CrCrl absolute change in hematocrit arterial catheter implantation (for 1 days) then controlled hemorrhage (between 0 and 0.4 hours) Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. erythrocyte quantity male 89 days-95 days 10 11.6 % 1.7 5.38 microhematocrit tube assay with visual assessment 0.0 0 initial hematocrit, final hematocrit, change in hematocrit 107279 3077
BDIX/CrCrl mean arterial blood pressure arterial catheter implantation (for 1 days) Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. arterial blood pressure trait male 89 days-95 days 10 117.0 mmHg 2.0 6.32 vascular fluid filled catheter 300.0 0 5-second intervals Initial MAP 107343 3077
BDIX/CrCrl body weight control condition Klemcke HG, etal., Shock. 2008 Jun;29(6):748-53. body mass male 88 days-94 days 10 331.0 g 9.0 28.46 body weighing method 0.0 0 107345 3077
BDIX/CrCrl platelet count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet quantity male 71 days 10 556.0 x 1000 /ul 17.39 55.0 automated platelet count test 0.0 0 platelet, plateletcrit 107816 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet quantity male 71 days 10 629.0 x 1000 /ul 6.32 20.0 automated platelet count test 0.0 0 platelet, plateletcrit 107817 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet quantity male 92 days 10 545.0 x 1000 /ul 12.02 38.0 automated platelet count test 0.0 0 platelet, plateletcrit 107819 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean platelet volume DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 92 days 10 5.9 fl 0.06 0.2 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 107823 3097
BDIX/CrCrl total white blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. leukocyte quantity male 71 days 10 12.9 x 1000 cells/ul 0.63 2.0 automated total white blood cell count test 0.0 0 WBC 107826 3097
BDIX/CrCrl total white blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. leukocyte quantity male 92 days 10 10.0 x 1000 cells/ul 0.35 1.1 automated total white blood cell count test 0.0 0 WBC 107828 3097
BDIX/CrCrl mean corpuscular hemoglobin DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood hemoglobin amount male 92 days 10 17.5 pg 0.03 0.1 blood hemoglobin analysis 0.0 0 hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC 107838 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell distribution width-coefficient of variation DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte size trait male 71 days 10 16.9 % 0.22 0.7 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 MCV, RDW% 107846 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum aspartate aminotransferase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood aspartate transaminase amount male 71 days 10 122.0 U/l 2.85 9.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum aspartate aminotransferase 107903 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum amylase activity level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood amylase amount male 92 days 10 3522.0 U/l 88.23 279.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum amylase 107947 3097
BDIX/CrCrl serum urea nitrogen level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood urea nitrogen amount male 92 days 10 30.0 mg/dl 0.73 2.3 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum BUN 107890 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 56 days 20 10.1 x 10E6 cells/ul 0.02 0.1 automated blood cell counting method 0.0 0 10^6/mm^3 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107800 3097
BDIX/CrCrl red blood cell count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. erythrocyte quantity male 92 days 10 9.3 x 10E6 cells/ul 0.25 0.8 automated blood cell counting method 0.0 0 red blood cell count, hematocrit 107804 3097
BDIX/CrCrl number of peaks in pressure per anorectal sphincter contraction control condition Trebol J, etal., World J Stem Cells. 2018 Jan 26;10(1):1-14. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i1.1. gastrointestinal system physiology trait female 112 days-168 days 36 12.53 /contraction 0.59 3.53 anorectal manometry anus 1800.0 0 111010 3194
BDIX/CrCrl serum total bilirubin level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 ml/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood bilirubin amount male 92 days 10 0.4 mg/dl 0.0 0.0 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum bilirubin 107927 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 92 days 10 0.7 % 0.0 0.0 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107859 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood lymphocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. lymphocyte quantity male 56 days 20 64.2 x 1000 cells/ul 0.29 1.3 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 LYM 107860 3097
BDIX/CrCrl blood granulocyte count DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. granulocyte quantity male 92 days 10 7.3 x 1000 cells/ul 0.03 0.1 automated differential white blood cell count test 0.0 0 107868 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width (percentage) DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 56 days 20 5.4 % 0.07 0.3 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 108145 3097
BDIX/CrCrl platelet distribution width (percentage) DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then sanguinarine (5 mg/kg/d) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. platelet size trait male 71 days 10 5.0 % 0.0 0.0 automated hematology analysis 0.0 0 108147 3097
BDIX/CrCrl metastatic lung tumor number DHD/K12/TRb cells (1 x 10E6 cells) (for 21 days) Hoksch B, etal., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Dec;36(6):1058-63. doi: 10.1016/j.ejcts.2009.04.065. Epub 2009 Oct 21. lung integrity trait not specified 0 days 3 465.7 null ex vivo light microscopy with immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis 0.0 0 lung metastasis # lung metastasis %, number, and size 107102 3076
BDIX/CrCrl serum total cholesterol level DHD/K12/TRb cells (1.5 X 10E6) then vehicle control condition (1 ml) Pica F, etal., Anticancer Drugs. 2012 Jan;23(1):32-42. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32834a0c8e. blood cholesterol amount male 92 days 10 40.5 mg/dl 1.71 5.4 automated serum analysis 0.0 0 serum total cholesterol 107894 3097