right adrenalectomy (between 9 and 10 days) and right nephrectomy (between 9 and 10 days) then left kidney denervation and left adrenalectomy then aldosterone (66 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and hydrocortisone (33 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and norepinephrine (333 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and argipressin (0.17 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) then abdominal aorta constriction and celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery constriction
bilateral renal denervation and bilateral adrenalectomy then aldosterone (66 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and hydrocortisone (33 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and norepinephrine (333 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and argipressin (0.17 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) then abdominal aorta constriction and celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery constriction
right nephrectomy (between 9 and 10 days) then left kidney denervation then aldosterone (66 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and hydrocortisone (33 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and norepinephrine (333 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and argipressin (0.17 ng/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) then abdominal aorta constriction and celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery constriction
right nephrectomy (between 9 and 10 days) then left kidney denervation then polyfructosan (1.25 %) (for 1.5 hours) and 0.9% sodium chloride solution (330 ul/kg/min) (for 1.5 hours) and bovine serum albumin (1 %) (for 1.5 hours) then abdominal aorta constriction and celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery constriction
Table "column sort" updates the order of the bars in the chart.